[@Kirah][@Morose][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Infamous Auror][@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Damo021] Alrighty before I forget here are the skill rewards, also remember we just finished the first arc. So I need you all to message me, telling me what they are going to be doing during the five day time skip. You have until Saturday to edit these skills in, if they are they are all null and void. [@Kirah] Heather: People Reading [@Morose] Jenna: Necromantic Knowledge Demonology [@FantasyChic] Finley: Perception [@BlueSky44] Lydia: Necromantic Knowledge Shapeshifters [@Infamous Auror] Taylor: Investigation & Declan: Athletics [@Dragoknighte] Harry: Perception [@rivaan] Kosara: Necromantic Knowledge Demonology [@Damo021] Miranda: Necromantic Knowledge Werewolves