[b][u]Town of Karkan, Ardir Territory[/u][/b] "Fascinating..." A Clergymen of the Serene Church spoke, examining the golden husk along with several others. The Town Barracks had temporarily been closed off, the Garrison relocated in other parts of the town for the time being as the Church begun its investigation regarding the Angel of Ardir. The Garrison Commander stood in the open doorway, watching the clergymen do their work. "After you brought the stranger over?" One of them asked the Commander, looking to him, seeing him in a sort of daze, starring at the Husk, although he wouldn't blame him, the object was memorizing in its...unearthliness, so unnatural, yet, here it stands. "Commander?" The man spoke, slowly losing patience. The Commander shook his head, snapping back to reality. "Uhh...yes." The Commander mumbled, still shaken by the experience. "He continued on rambling on and on, about Demons, being sent by the God of all, and such." The clergymen nodded. "Mhm, yes." He said. "What else can you tell us?" The Commander swallowed a lump, seeming hesitant, although calling in members of the Church was his idea in the first place, he still felt doubt that what he would have to say would be less then believed. "Come on, out with it!" Another spoke, his patience wearing thin. "....We placed the Angel in one of the bunk rooms." The Commander said. "Soon after..we heard such...terrible screams..." The commander begun to sweat, the as he relived this strange and alien scene. "One of my men was first to force his way in, he told us he saw [i]something[/i] leave the room, it was like a ethereal mist, and just left the husk you see now...." "Interesting..." The lead Clergymen spoke. "Any more you wish to share with us?" "...Before we forced our way in, in the mess of screams and screech we all heard one word clearly..."Liar", it's all that we understood." "Hmmm... thank you for your cooperation Commander, I know this must've been a terrible experience." "..What do you plan to do with the Husk?" The Commander asked, curious of the Churches intentions. "We will gladly take this [i]thing[/i], off your hands, Commander." The leader said. "We'll be taking it to Ardirum, the Archbishop will want to see this for himself, and perhaps, further study." "Good.." The Commander said. "I want this that as far away from me and my town as soon as possible."