[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/1972f662f89e2c000ea2b33fca83122a/tumblr_p5rddxR9BL1tt1jg1o1_1280.png[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-02/27/3/enhanced/webdr06/anigif_enhanced-5788-1425025439-11.gif[/img] [/center] This is Streets on Fire - a roleplay raised from the dead from over four years ago (right after the guild fall). Centered around two rival gangs in a broken New York-styled city, this story focuses on the themes of self-discovery, betrayal, revenge, confusion, depression and so much more. There may be a silver-lining in this desolate city, but don’t get your hope up. There’s a noose over there in the corner over there should you need it. [h1][b][i]Background Information[/i][/b][/h1] The RP will be centered around multiple teenage characters with a vast array of problems and the gangs they belong to, and how they survive. Those who wish to join will have a choice between joining either [i][u]The Lost Ones[/u][/i] or [i][u]The Amaranth Wolves[/u][/i], which are rival gangs in New York. These are not the only two gangs in the city, but they are the most prominent and have the most well-known rivalry. As far as the setting is concerned, it will obviously take place in New York City, but imagine most of it looking like the Bronx (abandoned buildings and streets, graffiti, etc.), except for a small, posh area called the Haven where the kids like to screw with the aristocracy. This is in the future, but the technology hasn’t advanced much as the economy has crashed long ago, causing the plague of poverty to descend upon almost every family. There is still, however, some sense of order within the city as the police do still snoop around and try to stop the child gangs from wreaking havoc on the rest of the city. Long story short, New York City has gone to shit. The two rival gangs are [i]not[/i] similar at all. They both stress different values and the two gang leaders have very different ideas as to how their gang should be run. [i][u]The Lost Ones[/u][/i] are open, inclusive, and stress togetherness in a sense that does not bind one to the group or exclude them. Formless and leaderless. Aimless except in the search of survival and guidance. They are everyone, and they are no one. The goal is survival through means based in morality. No killing, and no stealing. But, if it came down to it, they will use physicality to get what they need to survive. Incapacitate, do not kill. Will their lack of a killer’s mentality be a savior, or their downfall? [i][u]The Amaranth Wolves[/u][/i], on the other hand, are a more exclusive gang. They do not let just anybody join their gang; not for elitist reasons or what have you, but for their lack of trust in outsiders. They have a pack mentality and any one member would die for the rest. They place their trust in a leader and they work toward a common goal. However, the Wolves aren’t quite as tender as The Lost Ones. They have no problems with breaking the law, and their way of approaching problems can be quite risky. I will be playing the leader of the Amaranth Wolves, whereas [@YoshiSkittlez] will be a member among the ranks of The Lost Ones, with another character for the Wolves. We will be co-GM’ing the thread. It would be ideal for both gangs to have an equal number of players, so please take that into consideration when it comes to creating your character. I will do my best to keep the roster updated so it’s easy to see who belongs to what gang. [h1][b][i]Important territory information[/i][/b][/h1] Like previously mentioned, this is set in New York, but in the future. Because of this, obviously some things have changed. This would include boroughs and their names. Amaranth is one of the biggest boroughs of this futuristic New York. It is violent and chaotic, and also where the Wolves got their name. That, and the nature of which they asserted their dominance and control of the territory. It is less chaotic ever since Angel (Blitz’s character) took control. But, due to the proximity with the boroughs of Tersei and Cailet, the Wolves have issues with the Lost Ones who run against the Wolves’ philosophy of “Hunt or be hunted.” Tersei and Cailet are rich in resources for scavenging and other things. Very valuable and intriguing for the Wolves, but the numbers of the Lost Ones provide problems. And, for the Lost Ones a severe problem rises in that Tersei and Cailet are split by the Amaranth territory. They have to go through Amaranth to get to the other, or waste extremely valuable time going all the way around. So, stealth is extremely vital for their supply routes and secret trade runs. [h1][b][i]Rules[/i][/b][/h1] [list=1] [*]All of the general Guild rules are effective. This includes rules regarding spamming, godmodding, powerplaying, and basic roleplaying etiquette. [*]For now, you can only join The Lost Ones or The Amaranth Wolves. You are given the choice, but if one side becomes more populous than the other, we may have to move some people around. Also, if there is a problem with numbers in general, the limit of characters and gang affiliation might be changed. [*]Although it may be obvious, some themes will be present that not everyone may be comfortable with. This includes swearing, drugs, violence, and even the possibility of high-end romance. These are all permitted, but if taken to the extreme, it should be discontinued. If desired, you can carry the romance or violence to PMs. [*]Try to be somewhat realistic. One does not simply produce a gun or knife out of thin air. Keep track of what your character has on them, as well as what they are capable of. [*]Try to avoid one-liners. Collaborative efforts are welcome (i.e., you can write one big post with another user. It’s super fun.). [*]That being said, this is an advanced roleplay, so acceptable grammar and spelling is necessary. Believe me when I say, however, that I make plenty of silly mistakes too, so don’t worry about it too much. [*]We reserve the right to change these rules at any time for any reason. Just to be safe. [*]HAVE FUN OR I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD. [*]FINLAND. (Rule written by Dark Wind - one of the original co-GM’s that sadly will not be joining us for the reboot) [/list] [h1][b][i]The Gangs[/i][/b][/h1] [h3]The Lost Ones[/h3] The Lost Ones are open, inclusive, and stress togetherness in a sense that does not bind one to the group or exclude them. Formless and leaderless. Aimless except in the search of survival and guidance. They are everyone, and they are no one. The goal is survival through means based in morality. No killing, and no stealing. But, if it came down to it, they will use physicality to get what they need to survive. Incapacitate, do not kill. Will their lack of a killer’s mentality be a savior, or their downfall? Motto: "Lost, but not alone." Symbol: [url=http://www.northstar-usa.com/images/northstar.jpg]The North Star[/url] Headquarters: None officially. Emergency meeting warehouse in Tersei. [hider=Members] TBA [/hider] [h3]The Amaranth Wolves[/h3] The Amaranth Wolves, on the other hand, are a more exclusive gang. They do not let just anybody join their gang; not for elitist reasons or what have you, but for their lack of trust in outsiders. They have a pack mentality and any one member would die for the rest. They place their trust in a leader and they work toward a common goal. However, the Wolves aren’t quite as tender as The Lost Ones. They have no problems with breaking the law, and their way of approaching problems can be quite risky. Motto: "Hunt or be hunted." Symbol: [url=https://i.imgur.com/CNL5xOg.jpg]handprint (usually red)[/url]. Headquarters: Basement of abandoned building in Amaranth. [hider=Members] TBA [/hider] That’s it! Have fun and don’t be a jackass! :D (Special thanks to YoshiSkittlez for updating and fixing up the old interest check.)