[quote=@Belle] also [@Legion02], Elizabeth needs a hug... or a frying pan to the face I haven't decided which yet [/quote] She needs both! But probably the frying pan first, a few times. [quote=@2plus2isnot5] [@Legion02] agreed! I love me a morally complex villain,it seems like she's bound to make things interesting :D I really like how she's not just motivated by plain greed like a lot of antagonists in environment-themed works. Although she really does need a good talking to though, although tbf she's no worse than most politicians as far as the environment's concerned -_- [/quote] Thank you! I hope she continues to be interesting. I took the villain role because I frankly love making villains and often try to make them complex in many ways. What you said is true, too many villains (especially in enviroment-themed works) are simply greedy. With Elizabeth I am attempting to show people that it's not just greed for her. It's hatred for a woman that hurt her. But there will be more about her. Make no mistake, Elizabeth is evil. But I will fight to give her all the right reasons to be evil.