Neil patted Aiden's shoulder. "Them's the brakes." He said, winking at him. The pilot then slipped under the table to sit opposite of them, grabbing one of the drinks on the table. "So, what do you got for us? Might as well get used to this whole retainer thing." Neil then took a hearty sip of the wine Aiden had. Taya did not seem entirely happy, of course. But she felt glad there were things that could distract her while they attempted to fix their luxurious situation. The handsome prince seemed to consider for a moment, his hand in a closed fist, lightly resting along his mouth as he looked between the crew. "I suppose you have a point." He sighed, and cleared his throat. "Allow me to be clear that I want no harm to my brother, or to anyone you can help." "I hear you." Neil said, raising his glass. Aiden nodded. "Alexander's suite is on the northern side of the Palace, to the east of my parent's section. If you could find out if he has any suspicious workings or dealings with insurgents, please report it to me. If you could, finding out what he is planning in general would be immensely helpful. This isn't just about my position, but I want to halt any complications. Terrorism and civil wars...If there is a better king than I then so be it. But Alexander..." "We getcha, don't worry." Neil said. To further emphasize the point, Sayeeda was already reloading her submachine gun, drawing their gazes once more with an audible 'clack' of the clip being inserted. Aiden shook his head, but he smiled. As the doors began to open to reveal Ranald and the other council members, Aiden leaned over to Junebug. "I'd like to speak to you privately tonight, if you would." He said. As he leaned in to whisper to her, Taya had on a grin while Neil was a bit busy making sure the approaching figures weren't Alexander goons coming back before he realized who they were. "Thank you very much for seeing me." Aiden told the crew, a clear indication they needed to depart for now. [@Penny]