Interested. Please let me know if I need to adjust or flesh out anything, I'm flexible and more than willing to add more. [hider=Leigh][center][h2][b][i]Full Name[/i][/b][/h2] Calliope Samantha Livingston [img][/img][/center] [h3][b]Alias/Nickname(s):[/b][/h3] Leigh [h3][b]Age:[/b][/h3] 20 [h3][b]Gender:[/b][/h3] Female [h3][b]Sexual Preference:[/b][/h3] No real preference. [h3][b]Appearance:[/b][/h3] Leigh has a lean frame. She is of average height for her age. She has a jagged, round scar just below her left collarbone from her infancy, and does not remember how she got it. Usually keeps her hair braided. Has her left ear cartilage pierced. Usually wears dark clothes. [h3][b]Gang Affiliation:[/b][/h3] Lost Ones [h3][b]Brief History:[/b][/h3] Calliope "Leigh" was born and raised in the slums to a single-mother who found life too hard to handle the burden, thus when her birth mother committed suicide just before Leigh's 6th birthday, she was fortunate enough to be found by Theodore Livingston - or so she thought at the time. Theodore, a young man at the time, was patient. He taught her how to survive in the slums, but he was in deep dept with a loan shark by the time she was twelve. When payment time came and he couldn't make it, he offered to sell Leigh. She fled, feeling betrayed, and began to keep to herself. By then, she knew which areas to avoid and how to survive, more or less. She met a Lost One, or rather, stumbled into a wounded one. With her help, the Lost One recovered and then led her into the fold. Still she struggles with not stealing after using it to survive for so long, but otherwise she agrees with the philosophy as her preference to keep to herself works for them. Since, she has worked for the Lost Ones for recon and runs between as she is lean, small, and agile. [h3]Extras[/h3] [list][*][b]Theme:[/b] Pending... [*][b]Likes:[/b] Fruit (a luxury?), classical stringed instruments, a strong breeze, high places [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] Children in danger, cat-callers, a word/promise/deal broken [*][b]Fears:[/b] Being trapped/confined [*][b]Hobbies:[/b] Roof-jumping, exploring/scouting areas, playing violin (rare) [*][b]Goals:[/b] Pending... [/list] [/hider]