[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=00a99d]Scott Rydzynski[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/254eb4eaebfa60d7088b6e028792731b/tumblr_oaef08DCHX1sj8jevo2_r2_500.gif[/img][hr][b][color=00a99d]Location:[/color][/b] Crash Site - Seattle, Washington [b][color=00a99d]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Gideon, Jace, Janelle[/center][hr][hr] [color=00a99d]"Well shit, didn't know you were an intellectual,"[/color] Scott exclaimed. Most of what Janelle had just said went entirely over his head. In his line of work, sight was everything. He couldn't get a read on a situation if he couldn't see it. Sure, he guessed there was some sappy high school English interpretation about how blindness opens your true eyes, blah blah blah...But Scott was a bit of a simple man. He wasn't big on metaphors and feelings. [color=00a99d]"But a prosecutor? Gotta admit kids, I'll have to pass on visiting her. Prosecutors and me...we don't always get along."[/color] It honestly hadn't occurred to him that the illness was connected with his powers. He thought it was just a shit-tastic disease he had contracted on a job - though he did remember his friend, Chloe, being a bit bewildered by it. And as for sticking together...Scott wasn't much of a joiner. His eyes hardened for a moment before nodding his consent. If these people were swimming around in his head whenever they wanted to, he needed to get them [i]out.[/i] He didn't want to have anyone else gain a front row seat to his demons. [color=00a99d]"As much as I already dislike the twink...Sure. Why not stick together?"[/color] Scott said, albeit a bit grumpily.