Luke stared out into the woods from the opening of the cave. He looked at a small clearing towards the bottom of the hill, and again nodded while smiling. His mind drifted back to hours just after he had left the Amish Community. _________________________________________________ Luke was making good time though the plains of the Amish Country. He reached the top of a knoll and took a look around. Luke took it all in and smiled. The sky was wide open and filled with stars. The sleepy community looked so peaceful and inviting. The lights of the city in the distance stood out to him, and Luke determined that the city was his destination. By the time he reached there it would be well after midnight, and there would be no one on the streets. He could maneuver about with little or no issues, and if anyone was following him he would know it. Just as he prepared to follow the slope of the knoll down something caught Luke's attention. In the valley just below him there was a house with lights on. In the daytime it looked like any other house within the community, but at night it stood out like a sore thumb. Luke realized that this house must be the place where the agency was running their stakeout from. Luke had one of two options; One, get away from the area and hope they didn't see him. Two, approach the house and gather some intel, but run the risk of getting caught. Luke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he exhaled Luke said, [B]"Let's hope you know what you're doing Porter."[/B] Luke made his way off the side of the knoll and towards the house. Luke shook his head as he knew there was no doubt that the house was an Agency hideout. [B][I]Electricity, the water pump outside is rusted to the point it won't ever work in this lifetime, the windows and siding are all brand new.[/I][/B] As Luke went to take another step forward he heard the sound of a bolt being pulled into place. Luke then realized that his days of running may have just come to an end. [B][I]Keep your calm Porter. This guy has the drop on you and is ready to fire. Time to play it cool and see what happens next.[/I][/B] Luke raised his hands and put them out to the side as a voice said, "Oh give it a rest with that hands up crap. If I wanted to take you out I'd have done it by now." Luke smiled and lowered his hands. He turned to see his friend and mentor Allen Farrell standing there holding a rifle. The two men smiled at one another and Porter said, [B]"Hello Allen."[/B] Allen put the rifle to the side and said, "Hello Aaron, or should I say Luke Porter." Luke nodded as Allen said, "Gotta admit you've done a great job staying off of the grid. Well done." Luke replied, [B]"Coming from you that's high praise thanks, so they sent you out here to bring me in?"[/B] Allen said, "Well think for a moment kid." Luke gave Allen a strange look when he called him "kid". Allen chuckled and said, "To me you'll always be 'kid'. Anyway, why would they send someone you know and are friends with to bring you in? Not to mention leaving you so many obvious clues unless...." Luke smiled and replied,[B] "Unless the Agency doesn't really want me caught. This is mainly to keep the politicians happy and off your back."[/B] Allen said, "You get your gold star for the day. Goldman is still my supervisor and he doesn't want you caught either. Not to mention I'm working with a team that couldn't catch John Dillinger in his current state. You're staying off the grid kid, you haven't done anything to harm the Agency, and you're helping others when you can." Allen shook his head and said, "Frankly we could use a few more like you in the world." Luke asked, [B]"So does this mean I'm free to do whatever I want?"[/B] Allen shook his head as he replied, "I wouldn't go that far kid. The politicians and certain people in the Agency want you taken out, but Goldman and I are able to slow things to a crawl. In some cases we're able to stonewall for months at a time. Just keep on doing what you do, and know you got people watching out for you. Out of all the people I've ever recruited and trained you're my favorite." Luke was somewhat shocked by this revelation by his mentor. Allen was a hard teacher and at times a bully, and to hear him make this announcement was very humbling for Luke. Allen continued, "There's no doubt in mind if you stayed with it you would've had the corner office about this time, but you obeyed your conscience. That on the surface seems like idiocy, but you did what you felt was right and I respect that Luke." Allen looked his watch and said, "I figure you got another 12 hours before we realize you're gone from here. Better make use of the time." Luke asked, [B]"Will these people be left alone?"[/B] Allen nodded and said, "You have my word kid. These people will be left in peace. They'll never know we were here." Allen dropped the rifle to the ground and stepped towards Luke. The two men embraced and Allen said, "Good seeing you again kid. Be safe and stay out of trouble." Luke replied, [B]"Thanks for everything Allen."[/B] The two men broke their embrace and Luke walked away. Luke and Allen's paths never crossed again, but it gave Luke a sense of peace through the years that he and Allen had one last chance to say goodbye. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Luke raised his bottle of water once again and said, [B]"Allen Farrell, a pain in the ass and a real jerk sometimes. However a great teacher and my friend."[/B] Luke took a swig as he watched out taking in the peace of the nighttime.