[@Wick](Not sure about the tattoo, couldn't find a good picture with the faceclaim without it; maybe we can incorporate it?)[h1][color=royalblue][center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/4013265b2577cdf2ed1058fbe6cc8d6f/5B37BD21/t51.2885-15/e35/18160812_260818221056993_966305635157147648_n.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Eilas gently held Alexis close to his chest, his lips unresponsive to her kiss. Up until this point, he had been wondering if perhaps she was just magic adept or cursed. But this confirmed that she was a Hexenbiest. Regardless of what king of person she was, if anyone else ever found out, it would ruin her. She would never be perceived as anything else. Perhaps she really was cursed. Hugging her tighter, Elias kissed Alexis and buried his nose into her hair. [color=royalblue]"You shouldn't have run away. It was stupid, and running straight into a Hexenbiest coven was even worse."[/color] He knew she probably more than regretted her choices, but Elias primary reaction to that level of panic was to force up a harsh, icy exterior. Reaching under her legs, Elias prepared to grab her, but paused when he noticed Wayne's head snap sideways, the Wesen's head tilted as he peered into the woods. A tension filled the air as Sophie immediately followed suit, allowing her ears to woge. The pair allowed their partially transformed bodies to perceive the woods, focusing on the woods to the east. Alexis' exhausted head rested against Elias' body, unaware of the situation, but Elias entire body was rigid as he glanced towards the woods, returning his gaze to the Wesen. [color=royalblue]"What is it?"[/color] He hissed, keeping his voice low to avoid alerting any potential enemies. A long moment of silence stretched out, and Wayne began to relax, his face slowly transforming back. He turned to Elias and opened him mouth, but a sharp cry interrupted him as Sophie lashed out, spinning backwards and driving a hidden dagger into the air behind her. A sharp cry echoed out from the empty space behind Sophie as her dagger hit some kind of solid form, forcing the invisible creature back. As she engaged the creature in combat, Elias instantly took to his feet, carrying Alexis away from the fight. [color=royalblue]"What the hell is that?!"[/color] Wayne produced two slim blades and allowed his head to fully Woge, his eyes flashing a brilliant gold as he gained magical eyesight. Retreating with Sophie, he growled. [color=teal]"Luftkobolden!"[/color] Spinning around, Wayne slid past Elias, engaging another invisible creature that Elias hadn't noticed. Looking to the west, Elias shouted a command word to summon Hundar as he spun around wildly, looking for any more assailants. [color=royalblue]"The fuck is that?!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Sky goblins!"[/color] Sophie barked, nimbly scaling the invisible creature and sliding her dagger upwards, sinking it what appeared to be hilt deep into its head. As she fell backwards, the Wesen twisted backwards, landing on her shoulder before spinning onto her feet in a single fluid motion. [color=royalblue]"Invisible goblins!"[/color] Elias muttered to himself, gently setting Alexis down before reaching into his cloak, producing his scythe and swinging it in a wide arc past Wayne, successfully wrapping the chain around what he was pretty sure was the neck of a Luftkobold, yanking the chain back as the blade sank into flesh. The creature reeled forward, indenting the grass as its body landed. Wayne quickly darted down to the ground, planting his daggers roughly four feet away from the chain. A gurgling screech echoed out from the point of impact, implying he had punctured the goblin's head, meaning it was at least nine feet tall. As Elias frowned at the size of the creature, Wayne jerked his head up, his gold eyes shifting quickly between multiple points. Elias briefly wondered if Wayne could actually [i]see[/i] the creatures, but his thoughts were interrupted. [color=teal]"We have a hell of a lot more coming!"[/color]