Tim stopped right a short distance away from an Imp, not close enough to be in danger of it leaping to counterattack, but not far enough away either to make the shot more difficult. The bow seemed to be in really good shape as if it was brand new as were the arrows. They didn't look too sharp, due to belonging to a school club after all, but they could still deal some decent damage if shot right. --- Timothy Arrow Shot: 11 - 5 Projectile Weaponry = 6 Imp: 100 (Fumble) Critical Strike! Damage Dealt: 18 Damage --- Timothy's shot was spot on, whatever reading he did on how to use a bow seeming to work well for him as the shot was quite accurate. What made it deal much more damage was the creature stumbling as it only noticed Tim shooting at it at the last second. This caused the creature to trip up and cause its neck to be exposed, the arrow piercing right through the softer part of its tough body. It let out a loud cry of pain as it seemed to be really hurt, but the creature was still up and going, the attack being a critical strike judging by the critical that had appeared when the damage was dealt along with how much damage it did. Two windows appeared in front of Tim now, reading as such. [hider=First one] Critical Strike's Level has increased by 1. [/hider] [hider=Second one] A Skill has been created through a special action. The ability to better wield Bows, Bow Mastery, has been created. [/hider] Then those two windows disappeared and after that another one appeared, explaining the new skill that Tim received. [hider=Bow Mastery] Bow Mastery (Passive) (Lv 1: 0/100 EXP): Deal 10% more damage with Bows. +5 Attack speed with bows. To Level Up: Attack with a bow, get a Critical Strike with a bow. [/hider]