Well, I finished my CS. It's not a work of art, but I suppose it'll do. [hider=Angel McBride][center][h2][b][i]Angel Cecelia McBride[/i][/b][/h2] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/22400000/Maggie-in-Faster-maggie-grace-22494428-500-276.jpg [/img] [hider=Another picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/nK8lKwd.png[/img][/hider][/center] [h3][b]Alias/Nickname(s):[/b][/h3] Wolf Princess [h3][b]Age:[/b][/h3] Twenty-one [h3][b]Gender:[/b][/h3] Female [h3][b]Sexual Preference:[/b][/h3] Let’s just say she’s mostly straight. [h3][b]Appearance:[/b][/h3] She's a tall, lithe, and quite beautiful blonde woman. It is an appearance which is perfect for deception, as many take her attractiveness as an indication of vulnerability and weakness, though this is simply not the case. She has a cold gaze that warms up for only a select few. Her smile is also rarely seen, though beautiful. Her least favorite feature about herself is that her hands are mildly calloused from climbing buildings and bruised or scarred from a few fistfights she has gotten into. Angel's attire varies greatly depending on the situation she is in. Casually, she wears whatever is comfortable; that could be a T-shirt and jeans or a tank top and shorts, or a sweater and pants. If she is going out, whether on a mission or for drinks, she may dress more scantily to show off her treasure of a body, including her long legs and distracting bust. Even though she is a gang leader and sometimes her living accommodations in the city are meager, she takes quite good care of herself, though she tries not to do so to a fault. Even if the pipes freeze over in the winter and there is no water, no new clothes, no comb for her hair, she will still walk with a proud and confident swagger that can intimidate many a male. [h3][b]Gang Affiliation:[/b][/h3] Amaranth Wolves (leader) [h3][b]Brief History:[/b][/h3] Angel has been a member of the Wolves for her whole life, literally. It began during the era of a previous leader of the wolves, Hayden. He was only sixteen, and the gang was still in its burgeoning stages. One hot summer day, a baby mysteriously appeared outside the gang's hideout in Amaranth. The baby was wrapped in blankets and left inside an old cardboard box, with no indication of where she had come from, except for a note with "Angel Cecelia McBride" scrawled on it inside the box as well. Upon discovering the infant, Hayden was both shocked and ashamed that someone could abandon their child, though he knew times were tough. The other gang members felt uneasy about it, but Hayden felt he had no other choice but to take her in. And so, this baby, was raised by gangsters. She grew up in a life of turmoil and hardships, learning that deceit and violence were the key to survival. Luckily, Hayden was one of the few educated people left in the country, and instilled more than just street knowledge into Angel. This included literacy, and from books, Angel learned to actually feel some semblance of empathy and compassion. Nevertheless, cynicism quickly got its claws into her, as she saw many of the people who raised her die, including Hayden. He died not in battle but of a never-before-seen incurable illness that no one could identify. He was twenty-six when this happened, and Angel was only ten years old. A member named Titus was elected among the group members as the next leader, an eighteen year old. Under Titus, the Wolves acquired a great deal of territory in Amaranth and secured a myriad of weapons and resources. At the age of twenty-six, when Angel was eighteen, Titus was shot and killed by a police officer during a planned raid of a storage house in the Haven. After this, the age of twenty-six was deemed as a curse among the Wolves, at least for its leaders. Titus’s death came with bad timing, as the cops soon raided a key hideout of the Wolves and the gang fell into disarray. The remaining members decided they still had to elect another leader. Another young member, one with a strong devotion to the gang—Angel. Although the gang experienced a small period of turmoil and loss in numbers after Titus's death, Angel did her best to stabilize the chaos. Her gang members trust in her, though her progress is slow and gradual. Despite the exclusivity of her gang, she found it crucial to expand their numbers again once their survival was ensured if they wished to not be snuffed out by the police or the Lost Ones. [h3]Extras[/h3] [list][*][b]Theme:[/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFNPUJD6KKA [*][b]Likes:[/b] Alcohol, money, guns, a good brawl, animals, parkour, playing with her prey, bravery [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] Spicy food, insubordination, dishonesty, weakness [*][b]Fears:[/b] Death above all [*][b]Hobbies:[/b] Taking walks alone, going to bars, pickpocketting, hustling others [*][b]Goals:[/b] I'mma leave this blank. [/list] [/hider]