Here's Deon! :) [hider=Deon "Big Dog" Saunders] [center][h2][color=darkslategray][b][i]Deon Desmond Saunders[/i][/b][/color][/h2] [img][/img][/center] [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Alias/Nickname(s):[/b][/color][/h3] Big Dog, D, Big D, "OhDeonOhDeonOhDeonOhmygod!" [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Age:[/b][/color][/h3] Twenty-four. [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/h3] "110% male, baby!" [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Sexual Preference:[/b][/color][/h3] [s]Heterosexual/straight[/s] "No fat chicks." [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][/h3] [center][img][/img][/center] Though only 5'9" tall, Deon's makes up for his shorter stature by his one-hundred and eighty-five pounds of pure muscle, making him not only physically intimidating, but also powerful. A scar from the top-left, back portion of his head splits all the way down to his left eyebrow keeps Deon shaving the sides of his head since 1) hair refuses to grow around that area anyway and 2) the look makes him feel more bad ass. His skin, while tanned, holds a sort of dark pigmentation that still identifies him Caucasian, though perhaps a bit sickly looking, and dark. He's unafraid to show off his toned muscles all throughout his body. Physically, he knows he's attractive and doesn't hesitate to let other's know it. A small section on the left of his neck is permanently burned from an accident when he was just a small boy. He also has a wide variety of tattoos, the biggest one being a tribal sleeve piece that wraps around his entire left arm. Another being a self-administered scarified hand print to represent his ties and loyalty to the Amaranth Wolves. [hider=Head scar and arm tattoo][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Amaranth Wolves mark][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Gang Affiliation:[/b][/color][/h3] "Amaranth Wolves, baby. Ain't nothing better!" [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/h3] Firstly, Deon is incredibly conceited and self-centered. His only priority is himself which he often-times refers to as "number one." He is boastful and cocky, and appears to believe himself invincible. He will stop at nothing to prove himself better than the rest in whatever he can, and when losing, he somehow twists his words to make himself the victor in one way or another. He doesn't know how to lose. Fighting, whether it be verbal or physical, he is extremely cut-throat and merciless. He has killed only a handful of times over the years, but he shows no remorse in the lives he takes. He fights with a raw, animalistic rage that comes from the rage he keeps building inside, the only break to his human side being that he outwardly laughs at his pain, refusing to show any weakness. His reputation within the cage fighting community has instilled fear in others for facing the proverbial beast. It has been noted by many that a certain fire seems to light in his eyes when he has done a fight successfully and to his liking, or when he gets excited about the idea of being able to beat the living shit out of someone. This fire, coupled with a twisted, smug smile on his face, is a thirst for warfare that he simply gets drunk off of, and had become addicted to. His hardened exterior can be chipped away, though, when a woman or two come into play, as he is a bit of a womanizer and has a pretty high sexual drive. He will, however, never put a woman on too high of a priority level, especially when his reputation is on the line of being a "bad boy." When enticed, he can be quite charming and ever the smooth-talker. This, along with his bad boy nature, for some reason, always manages to have a handful of girls out for his attention and hanging off his arm. Though the fame might have something to do with it as well... [h3][color=darkslategray][b]Brief History:[/b][/color][/h3] Born straight into a family in poverty as an accident, Deon was forced to start working at a very young age robbing him of any kind of childhood that he might of otherwise had. His father left as soon as he found out that his mother was pregnant with his little sister, and to this day has never seen or heard from the man again. Deon was only three when he left, resulting in not even a single memory of him. According to his mother, however, he was the spitting image of him and more times than not, she couldn't bring herself to even look at him. He grew up a bastard messenger boy, delivering secret messages between various organizations that even in his young age, he could tell they were a bit sketchy. But he knew better than to ask questions. He only needed the pay. It was almost next-to-nothing, and he was lucky if he didn't get beaten or sexually harassed by his boss on a daily basis after reporting in his work-load, even if everything was on time. As Deon grew older, however, he left the messenger job as quickly as he could and started working in a slaughter house. His sole job was to kill the livestock and then butcher the meat into different cuts for the customers. It took a bit of getting used to, but eventually Deon became desensitized to the value of life in animals and eventually found more entertaining (torturous) ways to kill them before cutting them up. But even killing live animals couldn't keep him entertained enough for long, and when he was eighteen he took up a new job fighting in the ring at a local bar. Illegal, absolutely, and Deon had only stumbled upon it by accident to begin with. But after getting just his first taste of the underground party, he was hooked. He found that fighting others was something he enjoyed, even if a bit too much. He became a regular fighter, slowly growing his fan base with every win he took home with him and eventually, the name Deon "Big Dog" Saunders was a name most everyone in the city knew well. The posters, billboards and painted buses helped a bit with that. Unfortunately, being a big-shot in a business that brought in a ton of money brought on some enemies. After refusing to throw a match and being compensated three-times his normal winnings for it, the manager of his competition grew furious. Deon came home one night to find his mother and sister beaten, raped, and slaughtered inside of their bedrooms. There has never been any substantial proof on who had killed his only family, but Deon has more reason to believe than any on who it was. He went after the man immediately, not wanting to bother to wait for a true police investigation. Blinded by rage, he beat the unsuspecting man in his own home within an inch of his life. The police had been called and intercepted the beat down. Deon was thrown in prison shortly after where he remained for two years. After being released, he returned back to the world of cage fighting, forever a chip on his shoulder that he knew would never get filled. He was two months undefeated when he was then approached by a member of the Amaranth Wolves. It took a bit of convincing, but Deon eventually put his fighting career on the side to partake in something more fulfilling. He still fights to this day, and remains undefeated for over three years. But his number one priority is his gang, and he vows to keep it that way no matter the cost. [h3][color=darkslategray]Extras[/color][/h3] [center][img][/img][/center] [list][*][color=darkslategray][b]Theme:[/b][/color] [url=]I am Machine - Three Days Grace[/url] [*][color=darkslategray][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Alcohol, women, fighting, sex. [*][color=darkslategray][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Being told what to do, annoying little shits and kids, being undermined, being lied to. [*][color=darkslategray][b]Fears:[/b][/color] Refuses to comment. [*][color=darkslategray][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] Women/sex, drinking, working out, cage fighting. [*][color=darkslategray][b]Goals:[/b][/color] Refuses to comment. [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider]