[b][u]Lieutenant Karras[/u][/b] Milos's frown deepened, and gears in his head seemed to start turning. He had been about to embark on a simple scouting mission, and now he just found out two fifths of his Bandon were at risk of being annihilated. Naturally, his first instinct was to ride to their rescue, yet that instinct he immediately squashed. His orders had been to ride elsewhere. Yet, it still didn't sit right with him. "I have been ordered elsewhere, trooper." Milos told him, his voice suddenly cold and even, once again. "Take your report directly to the Captain. Give him my compliments, and tell him exactly what happened. Then inform him that my force is assembled at the east gate and ready to depart south. However, if he believes the current predicament to be more urgent, I can take my men northwest instead. Do not delay. Hurry." And with that, Milos turned his horse away from the Spaniard and was about to launch into a trot, but then he stopped, almost as if having second thoughts. He looked back at the Spaniard, his expression no less serious or monotone than it was mere moments ago, and his tone once again betrayed no emotion despite the sincerity of his next words. "You did good to arrive so quickly. I thank you. If the Captain does not promote you himself, I will advise him to do so upon my return." Then he spurred his mount onward. --- And that brought him to his current situation. Waiting at the gate for the arrival of his men... as well as the Captain's response.