The celebration was cut short. The exhiliration, the [i]relief[/i] washed away as though beneath the great waves Cronus' palms made in the Dam's sloshing waters. The darkness of the night, once seeming so complete without any light within miles, now became suffocating as the great being rose before the four heroes and blotted out the stars. As the Titan's voice boomed over the still night Grim's muscled tensed in her suit before lifting to hover, her communicator flaring to life to bring her low voice to the others. [color=IndianRed]"We have to hit him before he fully recovers. Throw everything you have!"[/color] The Iron Fang armor shot up as the great scythe was raised in the air, a curse flowing through her lips and deepening within her mask as the water from the motion created a massive tide of water. [color=IndianRed]"Orin, focus on-"[/color] A light glowed. Soft, at first, and perhaps for just a moment before with a sudden surge it reached for Cronus. Grim's helmet visor zoomed in to record the anomoly, though as a mighty sound tore through the air with a shockwave worthy of any shifting tectonic plate, it seemed her human gaze couldn't follow. The crash of the Titan falling was almost as loud. Slowly Grim lowered herself back to the ground, gazing up upon the person she had met only once before, in the middle east crisis. ... Speedy? No, that wasn't right, it was - ah, she introduced herself again. Convenient. [color=IndianRed]"You decided to come after all,"[/color] The low rumble of Grim's voice modulator cut the air, and the hero gave a stiff nod in the direction of the woman. She hadn't expected Velocity to show up after her call had been ignored, but then again the [i]fastest woman alive[/i] could cover a lot of ground. Apparently even while being flashy - literally, as the skirted heroine's fancy move parted clouds and painted the sky with that clap of thunder. It was almost awe-inspiring, and convenient timing. Had Cronus been able to fully recover it might've not worked. ... But that wasn't right ... Grim hadn't called Velocity, had she? It had been... ... No, it was definitely the speedster. It didn't matter, Grim always got their names wrong anyway. [color=IndianRed]"Thanks for the backup,"[/color] The Gotham hero finally said, stepping close to the smoldering body of the Titan. Much like in her street armor, the Iron Fang prototype's left arm opened to allow Grim collection of a sample before she busied herself with the communicator aspect of her suit. [color=IndianRed]"I'll see if I can't patch a message through to Lady Arcana. If not we're likely moving on to cleanup in another city - there's more than just Cronus wandering and our mastermind still hasn't shown. Will you be joining us?"[/color]