[i][u]Farenheit Family Mansion[/u][/i] Music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLcD4bpQwII]Ogre has Returned[/url] Rayla started to fire more powerfull spells in order to clear out the crowd. Ling managed to dodge every single shot, while the others weren't so lucky. Moments later, the assassin managed to close in on Rayla and started to attack her with the naginata in order to buy time for the other thugs to close in as well. [img]https://i.imgur.com/eJMT2d6.png[/img] Rayla: TEIYAH! *throws a punch* [img]https://i.imgur.com/Fpk1twf.png[/img] Ling: Hmph... *dodges* [img]https://i.imgur.com/4rZswjt.png[/img] Rayla: Hya! *uses the same arm in an attempt to hit a backhand strike* [img]https://i.imgur.com/8KJ7f3H.png[/img] Ling: *backsteps* You're mine! She swings her naginata downwards, almost hitting Rayla. Shihana's Yakuza: DIE FOR ME!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: !!! Two officers approached Rayla, she managed to dodge their attacks, but had to parry another naginata strike, keeping her in place. Then, one of them kicked one of Rayla's legs, making her lose balance and stay kneeled. The other one managed to punch her face, making her fall in the ground. Then, more officers arrived and started to stomp on her. Shihana's Yakuza: [b]C'MON! NOT SO TOUGH NOW HUH?[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Oxb4j69.png[/img] Rayla: Argh... She was grabbed by the one by one officers, then, another one went for a kick, but she managed to pull down the one who was holding her. Then, she quickly got up and punched the officers who were still on foot, [url=https://youtu.be/t2oatFntcDo?t=17s]finishing off the one she had pulled earlier with a stomp.[/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/r22vTq2.png[/img] Rayla: How many are left? [img]https://i.imgur.com/dGNdpWK.png[/img] Ling: Too bad for you, there's still many of us. [img]https://i.imgur.com/k8MgPio.png[/img] Rayla: In that case...HAAAAA!!! Her magic aura grew bigger, Rayla was charging a bigger spell, but then, the pain in her body increased, breaking her concentration and making her kneel down again. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Oxb4j69.png[/img] Rayla: Urgh...Not now... [img]https://i.imgur.com/hMoNKJ4.png[/img] Ling: This is the end for you! Rayla used the palms to hold the blade of the naginata, struggling hard to not released the grip, or else she would get impaled. [img]https://i.imgur.com/FkiHGuP.png[/img] Rayla: Huuuuuuuuurgh... [img]https://i.imgur.com/Fpk1twf.png[/img] Ling: Hah! Ling pulled a set of throwing needles and launched them at Rayla, hitting her shoulders. The grip on her hands weakened and the blade was touching her skin. [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: Argh... [img]https://i.imgur.com/8KJ7f3H.png[/img] Ling: Now for the finishing blow... She pulls another set of needles and throws them at Rayla. Suddenly, Rayla let the other knee to hit the ground, managing to move her shoulder out of the way. Then, Ling pushed Rayla to the ground, but still not managing to pierce her with the Naginata. [img]https://i.imgur.com/eJMT2d6.png[/img] Rayla: Urgh... [img]https://i.imgur.com/dGNdpWK.png[/img] Ling: Good move...But it is still your end. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Q6XwsIV.png[/img] Rayla: I don't think so. In the position that she was, Rayla could freely move her legs, hitting Ling with a powerful kick before one of the officers closed in. [img]https://i.imgur.com/8KJ7f3H.png[/img] Ling: Argh... [img]https://i.imgur.com/eJMT2d6.png[/img] Rayla: TAKE THIS!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/mBuCNqc.png[/img] Ling: !!! Having no time to dodge, she used her spear to block the magic charged punch, something she didn't want to out of fear that the spear might break with a punch from Rayla. Ling's suspicions turned out to be right, her weapon was destroyed with the strike and Ling received a direct hit that sent her flying. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Jx6keN3.png[/img] Ling: Ha! In mid-flight, Ling pulled another set of needles, but then, she felt a sharp pain on the arm that was holding them. [img]https://i.imgur.com/pexncSd.png[/img] Ling: Urgh... (These were the ones lodged in her shoulder...) Ling hit the ground hard, pulling out the needles that Rayla managed to hit, then getting up. Rayla started to fight off more officers. [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: Out of the way!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wvbwDAx.png[/img] Ling: (She really doesn't lose any opportunities.) She hit away the officers that were attacking her with a powerful backhand punch. It was clear Rayla could only use her magic in short bursts. Ling took that in mind and went for the offensive again. [img]https://i.imgur.com/6XfFZZW.png[/img] Rayla: Still up huh? I'll make sure you stay down this time! [img]https://i.imgur.com/iGkxllV.png[/img] Ling: That's my line. [url=https://youtu.be/YctPadU6NzU?t=32s]Rayla went for a punch, but Ling dodged by jumping over it.[/url] She could tell by the light of Rayla's fists when they were charged with power. After landing on the ground, she pulled her last sets of needles, intending to use them as close-ranged weapons instead. Wielding them like claws, she started swinging them at Rayla, who kept dodging them. [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: (Tch...I need to repel her and fast.) [img]https://i.imgur.com/Hcal15U.png[/img] Ling: ORYA!!! Ling was making Rayla move towards the other officers. Rayla soon noticed that Ling's fighting style was similar to her, watching the enemy's movement and reacting accordingly. She throws another charged punch but Ling avoids it. [img]https://i.imgur.com/r22vTq2.png[/img] Rayla: (I see...so she got me all figured out. So far, their strategy has been alternating between enemy raids and one-on-one duels...All in order to tire me out. I'm sure she figured that raids are useless despite my condition...but it did give her insight of how I usually fight, and now is trying to force me to deal with both herself and the crowd.) [img]https://i.imgur.com/ieNZzV9.png[/img] Ling: This time you'll fall for sure! [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: We'll see! Rayla uses a charged punch, knowing that Ling would dodge it, intentionally giving her an opening. [img]https://i.imgur.com/BRbQlfg.png[/img] Ling: DIE!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/eJMT2d6.png[/img] Rayla: (As planned.) Ling went for a stab, but Rayla held her arm. [img]https://i.imgur.com/my3M54W.png[/img] Ling: Urgh... [img]https://i.imgur.com/6XfFZZW.png[/img] Rayla: You're done! Shihana's Yakuza: It's now or never! GO!!! Rayla let herself get hit by the punch, making her fall in the ground but she pulling Ling to fall with her. During the fall, Rayla used her other arm to punch the ground and raise a cloud of dust before they went for stomps. Moments later, the cloud had vanished, the officers ended up stomping Ling instead of Rayla. [img]https://i.imgur.com/s0wCBCo.png[/img] Ling: Urgh...You...useless...mongrels... Shihana's Yakuza: Oh crap...Where did she go? [img]https://i.imgur.com/0zfU4nZ.png[/img] Rayla: Thanks for taking care of her for me. I really apreciate it. Shihana's Yakuza: Why you... [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqIdyW6.png[/img] Rayla: Now then, time to finish this up. But then, Rayla started to feel pain again. Ling took this opportunity to a set of needles she was still holding, managing to hit Rayla's leg. [img]https://i.imgur.com/s7H2xCZ.png[/img] Rayla: ARGH... [img]https://i.imgur.com/pexncSd.png[/img] Ling: Now...Before she recovers from it. Shihana's Yakuza: You heard her! LET'S DO THIS! [img]https://i.imgur.com/8JRDx5G.png[/img] Rayla: C'mon body...get up! Familiar Voice: You fought well my dear patient! Leave the rest to me. [img]https://i.imgur.com/vNOqnaI.png[/img] Rayla: Y-You... Music: [url=http://picosong.com/wessr/]Twin Blaster[/url] Suddenly, a beam from above caused an explosion that hit a spot where there was a bigger concentration of officers who were waiting for their turn, sending them flying to all directions. The responsable for it It was Suzaku, holding a massive looking rifle, which she separated into two smaller ones once she landed on the ground. It was clear she was having no issues with their weight. [img]https://i.imgur.com/joMfG5A.png[/img] Rayla: That's...Magitech? Miss Suzaku, where did you get that? [img]https://i.imgur.com/esfijif.png[/img] Suzaku: I actually test these weapons for Miss Akari when I have some spare time. I happen to be sturdy enough to handle the recoil thanks to being a Chi Master. [img]https://i.imgur.com/J1XbCWH.png[/img] Rayla: I-I see... [img]https://i.imgur.com/y6JoSVA.png[/img] Suzaku: Don't worry about these guys, I made sure the explosion wouldn't fry people. They should be fine, most likely, they'll have some broken bones. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Jx6keN3.png[/img] Ling: Curses... [img]https://i.imgur.com/DgSvaL6.png[/img] Suzaku: You guys thought I didn't notice that loud commotion? You're lucky these are still early prototypes, or else I would be blasting you all left,right and center without giving this speech. She jumps towars Rayla's position, putting the rifles on the ground and taking a stance. [img]https://i.imgur.com/tcib4TJ.png[/img] Suzaku: So...Are you chumps willing to try your rotten luck against a Full-Fledged Chi Master who is in top condition like myself? Because I'm willing to bring in some ultra violence if it means protecting my dear patient. A chi aura starts emanating from Suzaku. [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ce9oZ6k.png[/img] Suzaku: Now then, what is it going to be? THIS IS YOUR FINAL ANSWER!!! Shihana's Yakuza: Dammit...RETREAT!!! Let's retreat! [img]https://i.imgur.com/y2m9808.png[/img] Pairah: (I can't believe this...) [img]https://i.imgur.com/my3M54W.png[/img] Ling: (To think I would fail this mission...I'm so ashamed...) The remaining officers started to drag the unconcious ones to the truck, after a while, they were finally gone from the mansion. Suzaku helped Rayla get back inside the mansion, then, treated the wounds caused by the needles.