[@JELDare] This guy alright? [hider=Henry Higgins] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/605/a664eab05a2d06a4daf47def3143b471e72c2d9a.png?610507[/img] Unlike most individuals, Henry is not a single body - he is composed of hundreds, if not thousands of wasps. The wasps vary in size and species, with some barely being half an inch long, and the largest being 2 inches in size. While capable of swarming and becoming nearly any shape, the most common is an androgynous humanoid figure. His voice is very harsh, especially considering it is just the precise buzzing of dozens of wasps in unison. Henry does not wear clothes, as it would weight him down heavily and he already has troubles with his strength. Picture above is one of the larger wasps, trying to eat Henry's favorite foods. [/hider] [color=a36209][b]Name:[/b][/color] Henry Higgins [color=a36209][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Male/90% Female, 10% Male (Original/After Alteration) [color=a36209][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=a36209][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] American [color=a36209][b]Alteration:[/b][/color] [i]Wasp Swarm:[/i] Henry is a swarm of wasps composed of varying species, and is capable of controlling all of them individually or as a group. Through them, he is able to gather information, and he is a hive mind that all the wasps he control are a part of. He can theoretically have an infinite number of them, as long as he has enough food to feed them, and his mind is able to deal with the sensory overload. Henry is able to switch which wasps he has control over with 30 seconds of concentrated focus. When not controlling some wasps, he is able to order them to have one of three "idle actions" and one of three "dispositions." These are "Grow, Stagnate, and starve" and "Aggressive, Neutral, and Docile" respectively (One of each is chosen, such as Aggressive growth or Docile stagnation.) [color=a36209][b]Downsides:[/b][/color] [i]Limited Focus:[/i] Despite theoretically being able to produce an infinite number of wasps, he is only able to control 2000 at one time. Additionally, all wasps that he directly controls must be within 5 miles of each other, or become feral. In order to switch which which wasps he has control over, at least one of the wasps he currently controls must be within 20 feet of the ones he wishes to take control of. [i]Wasp Weakness:[/i] The wasps that Henry is composed of are normal, average wasps. They are very susceptible to the cold, can be poisoned, and are generally weak against anything that would kill a normal wasp. This combined with area of effect attacks could easily take out Henry. During the winter time, Henry is restricted to the inside, or runs the risk of dying. Additionally, things normal humans are able to do is difficult for Henry - he is incredibly weak physically due to lacking actual muscles, and speaking is only accomplished through very precise and tiring buzzing. [color=a36209][b]Rarity:[/b][/color] Uncommon/Special (People with animal swarming related Alterations/ Wasp swarming Alterations) [color=a36209][b]Preferred Classes:[/b][/color] [i]Biology:[/i] By far his favorite class, Henry loves biology as it adheres to his primary philosophies - survival of the fittest, and logical analysis. Species must fight over resources and evolve in order to surpass one another - Henry finds it somewhat poetic. [i]Math:[/i] Thanks to his more logical and ordered way of thinking, mathematics have always come extremely easy to Henry, and he enjoys spending his time doing complex equations. [i]Psychology:[/i] While he cares little for most people's opinions, he finds the minds of people very interesting. Since he does not understand most emotions, he instead relies on using psychological techniques in order to communicate and become friends with others. [color=a36209][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Well-mannered, if a bit cold, Henry is analytical and precise in his decision making. He possesses very high degrees of intellect, despite the fact that his brain is divided among many small insects, and is incredibly skilled at direct thinking, logical conclusions, and complex calculations. While his intellect is impressive considering his circumstances, his ego easily causes this to become an annoyance rather than a benefit - Henry views himself as the closest an organism can be to perfect, since he is the combination of a swarm of lesser creatures. While this is far from true, Henry believes it vehemently, and trying to argue this with him is one of the few ways to make him angry. Henry cares very little for ethics and moral difficulties, a trait he copied from his father. While this doesn't mean he will go around committing murder and theft, he is less likely to help people simply because it is the right thing to do. Another trait adopted from his parents, this time his mother, is his intense focus on efficiency. Henry hates people who are lazy and choose to waste their time, as he sees this as a waste of energy, and an insult to animals that must work hard to survive. Upon finding a goal, he is single-minded and ruthless in obtaining it. While he initially seems like someone who is difficult to deal with, Henry has several redeeming qualities. He is always willing to lend his notes and homework to other classmates, and is perfectly fine with them cheating off of him as well. His desire for efficiency is overpowered by his polite ad high-class upbringing, causing Henry to listen to others and change many things he does if it makes them feel more comfortable. While he lacks most ethics, promises are an integral part of his character, and he refuses to break them in any way. Finally, if others are willing to accommodate his rather strange life style and behavior, we will go to great lengths in order to do the same for them - making them feel comfortable, doing minor chores, giving them money, etc. As long as someone asks him for something, they have not slighted him before, and they are polite in doing so, Henry will usually submit and give them what they want. Due to his difficulty speaking, Henry mainly speaks in short bursts, and fairly fragmented sentences. This is why public speaking is his least favorite class. [color=a36209][b]Theme:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__6LaavwGWw]Saya no Uta - Sin[/url] [/hider]