Looking past the rambunctious clothing the boy appeared very strange indeed. He was shorter than Alex by an inch or two and his build was as slight as hers. He might even be as agile as she was with his spindly arms and legs. His hair was long and tied back in a ponytail but his reflexes were good judging by how he hopped over the counter at the sight of her. He'd recognized immediately that she wasn't trying to behead him which was something a lot of the crowd hadn't as they'd drawn back a few feet when she'd taken the blade from its binding. All of this Alex sized up in seconds, he was an interesting person to be sure but she felt confident that if necessary she could outrun him and a solid hit just below his rib cage would give her enough of a head start. Her face was already on the Clock Town wanted posters so having another sketch of her done couldn't hurt anything. Besides the Clock Town sketch artists could barely draw. She'd looked at some of her wanted posters in the square and even the Clock Soldiers standing nearby hadn't recognized her from it. Marshfall was a different matter; Alex still had one of the wanted posters that had hung there. It was now about seven years out of date but for the time that it was made it looked almost exactly like her. The Deku people could draw, or maybe they sung the image on the paper. She honestly didn't know that much about them. They were secretive to any not of their ranks. "Well [i]hello[/i]," the merchant said like he was talking to one of the children that were gawking over his toys. He accepted the apple gracefully and Alex had no problem handing it over. She found it rather funny seeing honest people eating stolen wares without knowing it. It was even funnier when the owner of said wares realized it and the two started an argument over thievery but now wasn't that time. The boy was clearly not native to the forge where he worked but Alex could hazard a guess that he'd been working there for at least a year, perhaps longer. Alex loved the mountain village. It had been one of the few places where she felt truly safe but Alex had to admit that women there were less than appealing, growing up like Gorons they ended up large with plenty of muscles looking more like rocks than girls. That would account for the way this man was slobbering over her and Alex's assumption was confirmed when he said in a playful voice. "But tell me, sweetie... What name was given to a vision such as yourself?" Alex felt the urge to puke and pushed it down. No man in his right mind would possibly think that saying something like that would actually attract a girl, though now that she thought about it the tipsy maids that hung around the milk bar would have gone for a line like that. It was pathetic. She also didn't particularly like how close he'd gotten to her. When he'd first jumped over the counter and landed next to her Alex's first impulse was to grab his shoulder and use his momentum to lay him in the dust. She'd been doing it her whole life and found that it was much harder to know when to fight than the fight itself might be. The crowd around had lost a bit of interest in there interactions and had gone back to looking at the man's wares and moving onto other locations. If she kept this going then there was always the chance that she would get the opportunity to take one of the rarer devices on the table or if she was willing to play it out then one of the prototypes he was working on. She'd get a good price for devices like this she thought but was the act really worth it. It was so much more fun playing someone who was in command as opposed to imitating the Milk Bar maids. All she needed now was a name. She saved Alex and Ali for big jobs that she liked having her family attached to but for this something ordinary would do. "You sir..." she said using two fingers to crawl from his heart to his shoulder before using a slight force to push him back a few steps. "can call Sophia." It was nice to have a little bit of space around her. She didn't like to be crowded. The name itself she thought belonged to... a tourist she'd met in Marshfall or maybe someone in the Mountain Village. She couldn't remember, not that it really mattered. She had a list of twenty names that she could respond to as well as if she'd been born with them in her head at all times just in case an opportunity presented itself.