[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZiNmEyOC5aR0ZsWkdGc2RYTWdZWFJ6WVd4Si4w/jet-pilot.regular.png[/img] [hr][color=black][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Aeschel (Briefly) [@DrTwit] [/center] As he laid back on his sleeping bag, skimming through countless weapon schematics in his eye's data library as he contemplated various potential enhancements for his original Huntsman's Weapons, Daedalus was mildly surprised but entirely grateful for the minimal reaction he had garnered. He could feel a few inquisitive gazes on him and caught an outburst of amazement from the faunus talking to Cinna and Aquarius, the man earning a brief nod of acknowledgement from the cyborg in question, but he had yet to be accosted about his blatantly in-human appendages and their abilities. Sighing softly to himself through his nose, he put a mental bookmark into his browsings before closing his internal database and shifting his cybernetics suite into low-power mode. Externally, the lights on his arms, spine and eye dimmed out before he lowered himself into his sleeping bag and pulled it over him. His eyes slid closed as he settled into a sleeping position, his head lulling to the side and facing toward the assembled group as his breathing became softer and he gently coaxed himself to sleep.