"If the Dominion had sent their reply, perhaps I would. But, they have not yet done so, and I will either succeed or fail by the end of today. Unfortunately, I cannot simply bring enough forces to ensure my safety since I need to remain...diplomatic. I am merely informing you as a show of good faith, and so that you can plan ahead for the worst. Certainly, I do not [i]intend[/i] to perish." Meesei replied. Once she had collected all of the documents, Meesei stepped more towards an open part of the room and began the process of collecting her magicka for a portal. With all of the practice she had creating them, she was able to complete one about fifteen seconds sooner than she had been before. "And I believe I should get going now. I would rather arrive before sundown. One way or another, you should have news of the results in the next few days." [hr] Kaleeth shrugged. "It's what worked for me, but you're not me. You might try doing something you've never tried before, if you want to figure out how to develop your skills. Personally, I never feel safer than when I'm in a suit of armor. You might try borrowing one for practice if you want to try that. Though, Ahnasha has told me that you've picked up magic pretty well too. Maybe you could try fighting like an armored battlemage? Really, it should be whatever you're the most comfortable with. But, the most important thing of all is to keep trying. It's not going to seem like you're accomplishing much of anything for a long time, until you suddenly find yourself holding your own more than you thought you could."