[h3][color=orchid]Andras[/color][/h3] To her surprise, Andras's challenge was followed by a new voice. Covering her eyepatch with her hand with a dramatic pose, she glanced sideways at the newcomer with her uncovered eye. '[color=mediumorchid]A face I've never seen before... A fox, even! Maybe she's a relative of that one Laurels boy?[/color]' Andras noticed that the fox's demeanor shifted immediately after cheerily asserting herself into the fight. '[color=mediumorchid]Perhaps she spoke without thinking, and is regretting speaking up...[/color]' Andras's non-library eye watched the fox's tails, which betrayed her unease. '[color=mediumorchid]Kind of cute, actually.[/color]' Chuckling softly to herself, she strode slowly towards the fox. "[b][color=orchid]I'm personally fine with that, but might I ask who you are?[/color][/b]" With every step Andras took, she tapped into her power, summoning the spells she had acquired from Perfect Alexandria. They manifested as golden squares of light, and they orbited around Andras slowly. Of course, it was all for show, and the cards didn't actually do anything on their own other than look cool. But Andras enjoyed theatrics immensely - after all, she went through all the trouble to climb that tree just to jump down. She even skinned her knee doing it, but nobody seemed any the wiser. '[color=mediumorchid]I should really find a bandage after all this...[/color]' Andras mused to herself. But right now, she was being far too cool to worry about skinned knees. She was, after all, the Demon Lady of Despair right now, who was about to make her debut into the night-fight scene.