[center][h1] Welcome to the University of Enlightenment, home to the most gifted humans ever known.[/h1][/center] [center]The kids that attend this school all have their own unique form of advanced traits compared to the normal human, some are athletically advanced and others are intellectually advanced. All of you where recruited to this private college for a specific reason. To grow and develop your abilities. We will be starting class this September. The choice is yours, become the elite or don't bother coming.[/center] [hr] Each one of the characters that you guys will be making will come home to an iPad looking electronic tablet that is all black with no visible plugs or slots that jolts to life as you enter the room. On the screen is "Greetings" written in large letters and under it says "Get started" and pulses just the slightest as if that is where you're supposed to touch. So naturally you do. The initiation will hurt, but only a little the tablet will draw your blood and make a new account for you giving you access to the introduction. You try to text your friends but your phone seems to have been disabled. You decide to continue the introduction and a stunning womans voice sounds out loudly and says- [i]"Hello friend, I am from The University Of Enlightenment."[/i] It seems as if she is talking in your head. Kind of like how earbuds sound, but you don't have any in. [i]"I know you must be confused but not to worry, all will be explained once you get here. We have been keeping our eye on you and you seem to be developing some interesting traits. Have you noticed yet? You were a subject of a genome remapping test that we administered through gamma rays from a satellite. Hard to believe at first I know, however we need you to pack your bags an head to the nearest airport by this Friday night. Don't worry about your past life, you will be starting a new one here and no one will remember you even existed as soon as you step on the plane."[/i] [hr] This is where you guys will take off, I want you guys to develop characters with their own physically possible "super powers" so no harnessing void energy or the ability to just wink people out of existence, but things like... Superb vision and photographic memory, uncanny talent at any given instrument, incredible regenerative powers or the ability to whip up a delicacy out of any food laid before you. You all will be a few of the 1,500 people tested and you will all live in a pod together. [hr] What is a pod, you may be asking yourself. It will be living quarters for you and your roommates. (Number of bedrooms is determined by how many show interest) The pod will contain a full kitchen area, small library, living area surrounding the fireplace in the middle of the room and stairs leading to a indoor balcony that leads to each of your rooms. The pod is co-ed the rooms are not. The entire campus looks as if it was custom build by all the billionaires in the world and it hurt their pockets. You are provided with clothes, meals, but only health foods no junk food in the slightest, and regular (incredibly advanced to be honest) educational classes of course. [hr] So let me know you're interested by leaving a bump and a CS, Ill get around to approving them in no time :) [hr] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: height: weight: appearance:(The enhancements not only effected your mind but also your body, everyone has killer looks, just describe yours a little) Personality: background:(really only use this if your personality needs some explaining) ability:(only what you've noticed so far, your ability or abilities will be further explored and explained as the story continues) Fun Facts: [/hider] [hr] I hope Ive sparked some creative juices, I'm excited to get this started :)