[h3][color=goldenrod]Justice Goldenheart[/color][/h3] To the bottom of these situations! [hr] Truly for that brief moment Isana was a trooper, because who would really want to look at a bloodied buttocks that had a chunks of epidermis missing. Well of course there was the not injured right side of the buttocks, but even that had a bit of the transfer from it. As for how this might prove more of an issue now than it did before, who knew. It might’ve been the fact the impact was so strong and in the heat of battle it did not register. Perhaps it was as Emily suggested and magical girl powers were at play. But the bottom line was simple; generally being struck by a poisonous barb from a shadow monster was a negative effect. At no point did Courtney ever consider such a thing to be a good thing. Well there was one good thing at least, it appeared they could still crash at a guest house. Maybe Courtney could finally find one of those old trinkets she lost there that one time! Or maybe, the real pressing deal of course, she could figure out how much she needed to worry. Justice Goldenrod didn't have anything to add, at least in terms of speech, while she was grabbed by Emily.