[color=orange]"Good job down there. If I make it through the next hour or two without being keelhauled for what happened down there, find me for a drink, we'll toast to a job well done."[/color] Stryker said with a pat on Benny's shoulder. Benny looked around behind him to face him before replying. [color=darkgoldenrod]"If ya wanna get real crazy, ser, I can add a little bit o' me own mix ta' spice it up. Yer call"[/color] He said as he powered down the turret controls to allow Tibulus to use more of the ship's energy in navigation. Stryker left the helm and Benny followed soon after in order to get out of his armor as well. In his quarters he quickly released the seals on his armor as they hissed out the compressed air. His clothes underneath were soaked but he wasn't too uncomfortable with them. He simply hung them out to dry in his room while he took a quick shower, before returning to put on the used clothing. Around this point he heard the announcement made by Stryker to have the crew meet up in the War Room. Seeing as he didn't have much else to do, and also curious as to how the battle played out for the ones on the upper floors of the labs he decided to head over there as well, smelling only slightly better than he did earlier. He took some wireless earbuds from his room, synced them up to Skelly, and then tapped on the holographic interface to start playing a rock music cover of some ancient orchestral track loud enough for anyone standing next to him to hear the sounds as he made his way through the vessel to their meeting room.