Gwyn rolled her eyes, running and getting into the back of the car. "This doesn't make me the weak one." Gwyn stated, pointing at the guy. "You hear?" Gwyn hated the idea of being the weak girl with the small knife - which is what she currently was. She needed to show she was tough, then she'd get a better weapon, and she could look after herself. She didn't want to be dependent on anyone else. All of a sudden Gwyn felt really nauseous, like she was going to throw up - right then. She opened the door and leaned over, spewing her guts out on the side walk. It must have been the stress of the situation, but it was weird for her to just throw up like that. Really weird. "Sorry." Gwyn said to no one in particular, scooting over the the other side of the car to make their retreat faster. "Come on, let's get out of here."