[center][b][color=palevioletred]Olivia Leveilleur[/color] Trespiano, Italy[/b][/center] [color=palevioletred]"So that is my potential new master..."[/color] A soft, feminine giggle. At the back row of the bleachers at the sports field, a certain person dressed in a maid outfit painfully stood out among the crowd. This was exactly the reason why Olivia, the young maiden, chose such a seat despite the distance from her target. But not to worry, she had a clear view of Luca the star player through a pair of handy binoculars. Coming prepared is an essential trait of a maid after all! Picking up a picture from the pocket of her maid apron, Olivia took another look to confirm if that were indeed the Luca Palladino she was after. [color=palevioletred]"Hm... He seems younger than I had thought."[/color] But she guessed he wasn't any younger than she was. Though knowing how cruel the world he was about to be involved with, the pinkette maid felt an obligation as an experienced combatant to protect the young new master. There was more to it though, as a menacing aura suddenly enveloped around her while she struck a [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/194/556/yunoyandereface.jpg]familiar pose[/url] with a giggle. [color=palevioletred]"Don't worry master, I will protect you~"[/color]