So here's a start and it should cover the basics I think. Maybe I'll add more, I'm not sure, but this is the very core of him. [hider=Leo the Show Off] [color=598527][b]Name:[/b][/color] Leonardo Joseph McLain [color=598527][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=598527][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'11 [color=598527][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 165 lbs [color=598527][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Even before the enhancements, Leo had already been athletically inclined; hence his body type is rather lean. As an active person on the field, Leo has perfectly tanned skin - though not horribly dark, it is noticeably darker than the usual fare-colored people he hangs around with. He has dark brown hair that is rather long, reaching the base of his neck. He often ties it up in a ponytail to avoid it getting in his way, though he does not have any intention of cutting it. He has dark green eyes which are usually lit with mirth and happiness - but often glints with mischievousness as well. His face is often adorned with a grin or a smile, which often makes him look more childish than he really is. He often dresses himself with what is necessary for the challenge in front of him. When he's off free running with his friends, he would often wear a loose fitting long-sleeved shirts and sweatpants, along with wristbands. On casual, however, he wears loose fitting jackets and jogging pants or just simple pants - but never anything that restricts his movement too much. He never loses his wristbands wherever her might go, along with his signature cap. [color=598527][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Leo's the happy-go-lucky type of person who only gives extra effort when it comes to things that interest him. As per his how he was taken up, that certain interest led him to be more athletically inclined. This doesn't mean he's an idiot when it comes to classes, but he doesn't stand out in any way compared to how he is as an athlete. He also tries to find a friend in everyone. As a rule of thumb, he trusts people on a normal level off the bat - giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. He's well aware that trust can wane, but it takes a while before he completely loses trust in someone - and in such case, it almost can never be returned. However, he is an attention-seeker and that's why he would most often show off even without the need for it. He may come off as a bit arrogant and self-centered, but this is simply a way to cope with what crippling loneliness he felt as a child and fear of going back to it. Leo is a rather reckless person, as evidenced by his hobby of free running, and has been injured multiple times. He's nothing but resilient and stubborn, so he just picks it up once he's recovered. He's done a lot to get to this point of skill. [color=598527][b]Background:[/b][/color] Leo's crippling sense of loneliness stems from having little to no attention from his parents. Being the middle child of five children, it was understandable. He was only given some attention when he was the youngest, but two years after, another has already come along and his parents looked to his younger sister to take care of - not that he resents her. His older siblings weren't too good in looking after him either. So he turned to friends to keep himself from feeling the same sense of loneliness in his household as his only source of actual genuine interaction was with his little sister, Mailyn. One of his friends got involved in free running and dragged Leo in it. Ever since then, Leo has been spending most of his time as a free runner; but his parents didn't really seem to mind. There's a rift between his family and himself, being the black sheep of the family. His older siblings aren't too reserved in pointing this out, and while his parents would berate them for teasing Leo, it didn't actually stop. So when he was given the note that he would be sent to another school - an academy for the gifted or whatever that meant - he happily accepted. It was a fresh start since no one would know him - or remember him. Maybe this time, it would end differently. [color=598527][b]Ability:[/b][/color] From what he has seen, he regenerates faster than normal - his cut healing in a few seconds. [color=598527][b]Fun Facts:[/b][/color][list] [*] He does free running stunts ever since he was a child [*] In his old school, he was voted "Most likely to get in an accident" [*] His only regret in leaving was that his little sister wouldn't remember him [*] Typically, he can back up his boasts[/list] [/hider]