[quote=@Isotope] I think we should all start make little tech and lore blurbs while we wait for IC. Have we nailed down that we want to have two classes of void sensitives by the way? Proper Jedi like Vacare and less capable Navigators and Psychics? I'll get around to editing FTL and maybe making a blurb on that if nobody else feels like it. That said, I'd rather [@Flagg] or somebody more invested in the Vacare in general make that fluff. [/quote] I wrote some fluff on page 3. I kept it specific for Auraxian Vacare as to not impose my will upon others. But basics stuff is: There are 2 'ways'. One focuses on manipulating the reality and surroundings. While the other way focuses on mental control and insight into minds. They also get kick-ass tattoos they don't remember getting and use implants and stuff. I kept the actual powers vague so far. But if anyone wants a Vacare discussion, I'd be happy to join.