[quote=@Isotope] I think we should all start make little tech and lore blurbs while we wait for IC. Have we nailed down that we want to have two classes of void sensitives by the way? Proper Jedi like Vacare and less capable Navigators and Psychics? I'll get around to editing FTL and maybe making a blurb on that if nobody else feels like it. That said, I'd rather [@Flagg] or somebody more invested in the Vacare in general make that fluff. [@GreivousKhan] Nice write up btw. I'll probably write up some other tech later today once I'm done with the big IRL stuff I need to get around to. [/quote] Ya, I do prefer introducing stuff as we post and build the world up. I think we're at the stage we can do that now we have important stuff out of the way like FTL. One thing I do wonder though is when it comes to ship to ship- which might happen at some point- how exactly that will go down. Realistically at this stage, we could probably take pot shots at each other from across a system-- but that's boring. But if imperial doctrine follows something closer to broadside combat, like the knife-fighting as seen in star wars that would be a lot more interesting. (at least for me at this stage.) That way the number of side guns a ship has could directly correspond with their ship classifications besides their role. Just an idea. [@Isotope] but yo just so you know one of my first posts will be involving the Seft. Should not disrupt anything you have planned but will focus on trying to achieve an arrangement to make use of their shipyards. We can hash out details when things move more toward IC.