[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yPl0LUx.png[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m1vEhd_uk0]Caoimhe of Alvion[/url] Alvion Elf [color=palegreen]◆[/color] 26 [color=palegreen]◆[/color] Ranger[/sub][/center] [b][color=palegreen]Appearance[/color][/b] [indent]Standing at an even [i]6'2"[/i] and weighing in at around [i]180lbs[/i], Caoimhe keeps herself lean, sinewy, and fit, well used to long nights and long travels.[/indent] [b][color=palegreen]Equipment[/color][/b] [indent][sub][color=palegreen]◇ Recurve Bow[/color] A simple bow scarred by history and adorned with personal trinkets [color=palegreen]◇ Arrows[/color] x20 [color=palegreen]◇ Battle Axe[/color] A plain axe, well used and well maintained [color=palegreen]◇ Dagger[/color] For Emergency Use Only [color=palegreen]◇ Armor[/color] Each scratch and dent tells a tale [color=palegreen]◇ Half-Plate ◇ Chainmail ◇ Gambeson[/color] [color=palegreen]◇ Travel Cloak[/color] A mottled olive-green cloak, worn and dusted [color=palegreen]◇ Essential Traveling Gear[/color] What every adventurer leaves home with [color=palegreen]◇ Backpack ◇ Bedroll ◇ Mess Kit ◇ Waterskin ◇ Tinderbox ◇ Silk Rope[/color] 50ft [color=palegreen]◇ Journal[/color] Half written with rough details about an elven woman's journeys [color=palegreen]◇ Stationary[/color] What every aspiring writer needs [color=palegreen]◇ Quill ◇ Inkwell ◇ Charcoal[/color] [color=palegreen]◇ Lute[/color] A stringed instrument to warm the soul [color=palegreen]◇ Emerald Necklace[/color] An ordinary gemstone wrapped and hung on a leather cord[/sub][/indent] [b][color=palegreen]Abilities[/color][/b] [indent][sub][color=palegreen]◇ Archer[/color] While by no means the best shot in the land, constant practice keeps Caoimhe well above regular rank and file archers. Like any good bowman, she prefers to be allowed to plant her feet and lead her targets right and proper, but life had dictated she also learn how to fire in any number of odd positions and stances [color=palegreen]◇ Woodswoman[/color] An axe is a versatile weapon, and while she's no stranger in using it in a melee, Caoimhe is more used to splitting logs rather than splitting heads [color=palegreen]◇ Tracker[/color] A lifetime of hunting has taught her well in navigating the wilds, though she's proficient enough in navigating urban and social settings to find whoever she needs to [color=palegreen]◇ Alchemist[/color] Though really more of an herbalist, Caoimhe knows enough to make basic poultices, poisons, and minor alchemical items like smokesticks and fire flasks[/sub][/indent] [b][color=palegreen]Background[/color][/b] [indent]Caoimhe came from a loving family who were a longstanding line of woodcarvers, and was the youngest of four. They based themselves near the border of Alvion and Roh and made good money selling their "exotic products" to Rohish merchants, though they subsidized part of their living through hunting local game which Caoimhe happily helped with. Yet later in her life, she felt aimless and discontent. Wanderlust made its way into her heart, and with her parents' blessing she began traveling the lands, focused on finding new experiences wherever she went. She hunted new game, tasted wild foods, and dabbled in a wide variety of professions. One such journey in Rohish lands lead her to fall in love with a Rohish girl, and like any young love it was intense, fiery, passionate. The girl pulled Caoimhe into a small revolutionary movement intent on bringing new change to their government, ultimately overthrowing the Rule of the Six, and was filled with young, dumb idealists; Caoimhe was no exception. Though they lasted longer than most and actually attained a sizable following, the moment they began their public attacks meant they were no longer a nuisance, but a threat to the Six. The movement quickly died, many of its members dead or fled into the wind, and Caoimhe found herself on the road once more. [/indent] [b][color=palegreen]Relationships[/color][/b] [indent][sub][color=royalblue]◆ Glasan of Alvion[/color], Father and Woodcarver [color=Firebrick]◆ Cailin of Alvion[/color], Mother and Hunter [color=lightcyan]◆ Eibhear of Alvion[/color], Eldest son and Woodcarver [color=orchid]◆ Maewyn and Gwyndoline of Alvion[/color], Twin Daughters and Hunters [color=darkred]◆ Zubaida of Roh[/color], Lost Lover and Fiery Revolutionary[/sub][/indent]