[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/hjipVS/Rawyn_2.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjU5ODg1Yi5RU0JvYVdSa1pXNGdaMlZ0SUc1bGMzUnNaV1FnYjI0Z2RHaGxJRVJsYm1kb1ltbHphR2x5WlNCamIyRnpkQSwsLjAAAAA,/dekade.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjU5ODg1Yi5WMmwwYUNCemQyVmxjR2x1WnlCMmFYTjBZWE1nWVc1a0lHMXBiR1Z6SUc5bUlIQnlhWE4wYVc1bElHTnZZWE4wYkdsdVpRLCwuMAA,/dekade.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjU5ODg1Yi5VbUYzZVc0Z2FHRnpJSE52YldWMGFHbHVaeUJtYjNJZ2RHaGxJSGRvYjJ4bElHWmhiV2xzZVEsLC4w/dekade.regular.png[/img] [hr] There’s always been something a little… strange about the small welsh seaside town of Rawyn. Whether it be the way spectral looking travellers sometimes disappear as seamlessly as they appeared, the strange sounds coming from the walls of the community centre, or the fact that [i]no one[/i] dares go near the lighthouse at the end of the beach, it’s undeniable that something is not quite right. For the most part, the locals have learned to ignore it, perhaps even playing into it to attract tourists - after all, the only thing better than a castle is a haunted castle - but the strange occurrences around town and the townsfolk’s flirtations with the supernatural have never been dangerous. They’ve never hurt anyone. That is, until today. When a young girl goes missing on her way home from school, people are up in arms. The official line is that she ran away of her own volition, but anyone who knows anything knows that that’s not the case at all. [i]You[/i], dear reader, know that that’s not the case at all. Maybe you’re a member of the local witch’s coven, or perhaps one of the many ‘ghost busters’ who’ve set up shop in town to take advantage of Rawyn’s many goings-on, or maybe you’re just an average joe who wouldn’t be able to see a ghost if one came and yelled ‘boo!’ in your ear. Whoever you are, whatever your motivation, you want to find out more. And, perhaps, you will. [img]http://www.auplod.com/u/uoadlpa6c5e.png[/img] [hr] [h1]Overview[/h1] [/center] Hello there! So, I've had this idea kicking around for a while now, or at least, the setting. Essentially, if you hadn't already gathered, this rp takes place in the present day, in the town of Rawyn, a completely made-up place in North Wales, where magic and ghosts are real, at least, to a certain extent. Your characters will essentially be exploring the secrets of both the town and the supernatural forces at play, and, hopefully, solving the central mystery. Tonally, this rp will probably get pretty dark, although more in the 'Neil Gaiman, weird shit going on' kind of way as opposed to the 'George RR Martin, killing and torturing people' kind of way, and will be based off a mixture of primarily mystery and exploration, but with a little action and slice of life peppered in for good measure. I'm aiming to get a medium-large group, although this could work with a smaller group as well, we'll just have to see what we get =) [hider=CS - feel free to mess around with the code until your heart's content!][code] [hider=Character Name] [hr][center][h1][b] Character Name [/b][/h1] [img]Character Image Here - Real photos please![/img] [h3][i] "Insert Witty Quote Here" [/i][/h3] [hr][h2]Back to Basics[/h2][hr][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Full name please - first, last, and anything in between [b]Aliases:[/b] Any nicknames, preffered names, or old names [b]Age:[/b] If under 18, make sure to mention caregivers in their bio [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Tourist or Local?:[/b] [hr][center][h2]Appearance[/h2][/center][hr] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Build:[/b] Scrawny, curvy, bulky? [b]Hair:[/b] Colour, length, style? [b]Eyes:[/b] Colour [b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b] Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Birthmarks - anything the police might use to identify them [b]Style:[/b] Hipster? Emo? Normal human? Please try to be as descriptive as possible - at least one paragraph [b]General Appearance:[/b] Anything I missed? Do they have a sun tan from their recent trip aboard? If I took a meat cleaver to the centre of their skull would I have two matching halves? [hr][center][h2]Skills & Occupation[/h2][/center][hr] [b]Occupation:[/b] What do they do? Where? Do they have more than one job? Are they unemployed? [b]Hobbies & Interests:[/b] Try and come up with more than one if you can [b]Skills[/b]: What can they do, and how well can they do it? No need to include things required by their job. Make sure any skills they have are explained in their bio. [b]Supernatural Sensitivity:[/b] High, medium, low, or none. Characters with a high supernatural sensitivity will be more attuned to the ebbs and flows of the spirit world around them and find that any magic they attempt is more successful. High degrees of supernatural sensitivity are rare, and these individuals, gifted as they may be, struggle to be functioning members of society and often come across as a little...[i]odd[/i]. The higher your character's sensitivity, the less successful they should be in other areas of their life, including skills and career. Note - try to keep your characters skills and abilities balanced and within reason. Everything should be explained in their bio, and I will send characters who are too OP or otherwise unbalanced back to the drawing board. [hr][center][h2] Psychology [/h2][/center][hr] [b]Personality:[/b] How do they come across? Are they cheery? Morose? Prone to sudden fits of rage? Are they an open book? Or are they more insecure and secretive? What motivates them? Why do they get out of bed every morning, or not? [b]Bio:[/b] At least 2 well developed paragraphs, if you don't want to share it here, feel free to PM me. You don't have to include everything, and I don't expect you to - just the basics, like where and how they grew up, how they came to be in Rawyn, any significant incidents you want to mention, and what their current living situation is. [b]Weaknesses and/or fears:[/b] At least 3, of which at least one must be psychological and linked to either their history, their personality, or both. Again, if you don't want to share with the group, you can PM them to me. [/hider][/code][/hider] [hr] Discord Server - https://discord.gg/7G78Jrp [hr]