[quote=@Nucleep] While the main colony was being set up, the fully loaded and heavily armed treasure ships continued on their way towards various nations (every active player nation). A white flag was raised below the national flag to show that they come in peace and wish to trade, not to attack the nations (despite their arsenal). [/quote] The airships pass through the forcefield like it was nothing. The land inside is barren and no Martians are outside. The landscape is completely silent, even whatever noises the ship makes (like engine noises) are not making a sound. As the ship makes it's way to the Main Research Tower, a panel opens on it's side, and a single UFO then flies out of it and towards the ship. The UFO tries to land on the deck of the ship, if it is successful, it waits for someone to investigate it. [quote=@CmdrAlfieq]Within the mob of AA outpost's forces, the officer of an outpost steps in and then tone in a reasonable pace. "What do you want and how can you speak our language?" said the officer ??? unaware of the extraterrestrials existent on this world. The soldiers have begun to set up some sort of an equipment and field fortifications, just in case the plan of meeting those aliens ended in bloody retaliation.[/quote] [color=39b54a]"We have come to discuss possible trade options, your nation seems technologically advanced enough that trade is a viable option.[/color] Thankfully, their tone does not invoke any type of aggression. It also doesn't invoke anything else, it's tone is completely neutral and emotionless.