[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u59yAbBa1r4kfic.gif[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: The Xavier Institute[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina gave Mira a friendly smile. [color=cyan]"Nice to meet you Mira."[/color] Carolina said, as her eyes then wondered over towards the TV when she noticed that the woman on TV was indeed Guin's mother. She never really asked much about Guin's mother with her, it really wasn't her place to talk about it anyway. Her eyes then wondered over towards Pietro when he said he would be back in a second, Carolina turned her attention back to the TV screen as Maddie Le Fay made her stupid lies about Pietro. Carolina then could hear the people in the background talking, then just seconds later Carolina watched paint get dumped all over the woman. Carolina then started to bust out laughing seeing the reaction on her face before the screen was quickly cut to a commercial, she'd definitely should have recorded that on her phone, as Carolina turned to see Pietro coming back into the room. [color=cyan]"Remind me if I have someone who I hate a lot and I call you and you can dump paint over their faces."[/color] Carolina said with a light laugh as she looked over towards Guin to see her reaction. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/263248422aa9f8bdf30fef93d971ba8c/tumblr_inline_oq0xfxqALD1rqpcix_500.gif[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]Location: The Xavier Institute[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Cassandra set her phone back into her pocket as she turned her attention towards Marygold once more as she spoke, it was true that the Brotherhood and people like them did tend to get out. However, things have been getting a little bit different between both SHIELD and OMEN. [color=6ecff6]"OMEN will definitely use it against SHIELD since they were detained in one of our facilities. They are certainly going to be having more backup since one of their own is running for office. It's just not going to look well for any of us."[/color] Cassandra said with a slight sigh. Cassandra eyed Richard once more before turning her attention towards Marygold once more. [color=6ecff6]"Should probably inform Professor X as soon as possible, see what he wants us to do along with SHIELD."[/color] She said looking over at the grounds, it had been over a year since they had put Magneto and the Brotherhood behind bars, and started to wonder how hard it will be to put them back in the RAFT again. [hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][[/color] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/o0VVs736skEw/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=696969]Location: Xavier Institute[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany woke up and stretched out in her bed looking out at the window before getting up, putting on a black tshirt and a pair of black jeans. She hadn't been at the Institute for that long as she grabbed her phone and a pair of headphones putting them over her ears as she started to make her way out of her bedroom. She made her way down the hallway, as she walked down listening to her own music when she came into the common area. Her eyes wondered around the room as she noticed that there was already a group in the room, overhearing something about a dance. Scoffing at the thought of being put into a frilly girly dress, she shook her head and shuddered at the thought of wearing one in front of people that she didn't know. Beth made her way over towards the corner of the room, where there was a little bit of shade as she sat down in the chair looking down at her phone while listening to music. Her eyes then turned towards the TV seeing what was going on and the man named Quicksilver running out of the room, and dumping some paint on some actress or whatever she was. Beth didn't really know who the woman was she rarely ever did watch any movies or TV shows so she didn't know the woman, but couldn't help but smirk seeing the woman being covered in paint.