Digimonstory Hackers: Resurgence of Jormungandr In the year 20XX, a virtual reality system was created called Eden. It allowed users to put on a headset and be taken into a virtual system. It was a moderate success at first, but quickly updated and became a cultural icon of Japan. It became such a success that many terminals appear all over the city so one can log in just about anywhere. After a bit, it just became a part of life. While EDEN became a great place to socialize and enjoy life in ways you couldn’t normal, there are a great many restrictions to the service. For one, your avatar of you is updated constantly, so you wear in client what you wear in real life. It’s a safety feature to counter stolen accounts. Or so they say. Unfortunately for the creators of EDEN, users found a way to break the code of the system to do a multitude of things ranging from illegal uses to grey area fun use. The people who use such exploits are called “Hackers”. There are a number of different Hackers. Some hack into other’s accounts to steal and do things such as ransom. In addition, on one of the private company servers, an experiment in Artificial Intelligence. It was brought to a point, and then they were forgotten. Much later, hackers found their way into the server discovering this new type of program which resembled monsters in this digital space so they all came to call the Digimon. Some hackers captured them to use as tools to force other hackers while some found them fun to just hang out with and make them stronger just to see what they’d turn into. It’s been about four years since Digimon have been discovered by hackers, and EDEN released the Digimon across all the servers even going as far as to set up colosseums and arenas for people to test their strength. Many shops popped up as well as the illustrious “Digi-Farms” for people that want to amass a great number of Digimon but are typically expensive. Now comes to the Hacker Gang known as Jormungandr. [hider=Jormungundr Insignia][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/bf/cc/ebbfcc64c646963bd81d1aa24f7b7d96.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] At one time, they were a famed hacker team known for more than a few things, but quicker than they worked to fame, they disappeared from the scene. A couple of years later, a woman known as Manaka sent a mysterious letter to a small number of Hackers inviting them to join a rebuilt Jormungandr. [hr] Welcome! As many of you who are interested in Digimon may tell, this was heavily based off of the DigimonStory: Cyber Sleuth background with a bit of my own touches to make it feel different (though of course share many elements.) Pyro’s Rules of Having Fun 1. What the GM says, goes. 2. Please make at least two decent paragraphs. Just a little detail goes a long way. Don’t be an asshole, Keep things civil in the OOC, having characters disagree ICLy is entirely fine I’m probably forgetting a rule, but hey, I can tack it on later. Anyhowsers, for now I’m looking for three more people. As you can probably tell, we’ll be a part of the Hacker Group “Jormungundr”. I want to see how much interested there would be in this if it went forward. As it is, I’m going to play NPCs and the narration because I want the focus more on what the player characters plan to do. Lemme know if you’re interested!