[center][img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/bmiq.gif[/img] [color=slategray][sub]Note: The attached gif is unrelated. It instead represents my feelings after trying to make a collage for this. A [color=922b2b][b]Hail[/b][/color][color=ff69b4][b]ana[/b][/color] post Written by [@Universorum] & [@Fabricant451] Location: Hailey’s game room Taking place after school, duh. They’re good students, they wouldn’t skip class to play video games.[/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr][indent][indent][color=922b2b][b]“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”[/b][/color] Hailey hissed at the servant who had been trying to help her and Hana set up Hana’s station in the game room. Across the hall from Hailey’s bedroom proper, the game room was designed for Hailey to relax and play video games, but today she was going to play with Hana beside her. Hailey had set one of the newest hires in the Green household to plugging things in, and had taken Hana to her bedroom for twenty more minutes of getting to know each other, but when she’d returned to the game room, the boy was standing there with the job half done, at best. Was it that hard to plug in cables? She knew there was enough room on the desk for both of them! It shouldn’t have even been a remote challenge. The boy couldn’t have been much older than Hailey herself — perhaps 19 or 20 — and he stared at her, before shaking his head, [b]“n-no, I’ll handle it, really. I can do it!”[/b] He protested. He turned to look back at the machine and finish getting it setup, before Hailey snatched the ethernet cord he held away from him, waving it in his face. [color=922b2b][b]“Boy, I would reconsider your current course!”[/b][/color] She scowled, though she may not have looked as intimidating as she’d intended to; not many people did, when threateningly waving a network cable around. Regardless of how she looked, her voice was dripping with venom, and it was effective. [color=922b2b][b]“Go away, before I force you to the unemployment line.”[/b][/color] She snapped, and the young man quickly hurried out of the room, and Hailey looked at Hana. [color=922b2b][b]“The nerve of help these days… Absolutely [i]useless[/i]. I shouldn’t have loaned Butler out. Now I have to do everything on my own.”[/b][/color] She grumbled, leaning over Hana’s case to plug the ethernet cable in. Some might have considered Hailey’s tactics a bit harsh, but given the nature of what was surely a simple task Hana had no sympathy for the hired help. Had the two of them not spent the previous twenty minutes in a state of comfort, they likely could’ve been finished with the task and still have fifteen minutes to spare. The wires and cables were all clearly labeled as were the ports they plugged into! Hana, who remained silent as another verbal shellacking happened to poor help, cracked a smile when the room was whittled down to just the two of them. While the rest of the school was concerning themselves over a party, Hana and Hailey were having their own - and in Hana’s mind superior - type of party; that, of course, being a LAN party. Abby had given her younger sister a strange look when Hana brought down her rig and explained she was spending another night with her friend Hailey, but after Hana explained that at least Abby wouldn’t have to call in the middle of the night this time. [color=ff69b4][b]”I guess the standards for hired help are lax around here?”[/b][/color] Hana offered in a light hearted manner as she aided Hailey by connecting the cables that were left on the floor. [color=ff69b4][b]”Are you sure you don’t want to go to the party? I mean, don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining. I just thought someone like you would, like, have to make an appearance.”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“My parents insist on taking on any little yahoo from the streets to work around here. I swear, the only trained staff we have are the three Butlers, and mine is the only one on premise; and I had to give him to Henry for the evening. I felt bad. That Parker girl is autistic, sad, and apparently she lives in a tent. She doesn’t deserve that. So, Butler is helping Henry move her in.”[/b][/color] Hailey explained while screwing in the video cable connected to the monitor. [color=922b2b][b]“Let the record show that even I have a heart.”[/b][/color] After that, Hailey set about plugging in the various USB cables, carefully running them through the guide in the monitor’s stand, to keep them out of Hana’s way while they were busy with gaming. Speaking from behind the computer again, Hailey dismissed Hana’s question, [color=922b2b][b]“yes, absolutely. I hate parties. They’re unnecessary, and in a lot of ways frankly quite gross. I was at the beachfront one solely to stir things up. Having succeeded in that, I left before I even had a drink, and I returned home where I happily slept in the comfort of my own bed, and woke up the next morning with a mind as sharp as ever. On the next school day, two important things happened.”[/b][/color] At this, Hailey straightened up and stepped toward Hana, smiling down at her. [color=922b2b][b]“Number one. I decided that I was bored with being a queen and that my game was won and there would be no challengers. Because of this, I transferred all duties of my position to Selena. Now, number two.”[/b][/color] Hailey leaned down and placed a feathery kiss onto Hana’s lips, [color=922b2b][b]“I met an angel, and I claimed her as mine.”[/b][/color] Another kiss from the queen. [color=922b2b][b]“Now I doubly have no reason to attend parties, because my angel is perfectly happy here, playing video games with me.”[/b][/color] Hana wasn’t overly familiar with this Parker girl but it seemed Hailey was, no doubt due to the fact that Henry seemed to keep her around like a puppy; and she was certainly loud enough like a barking pup. That wasn’t important, what was was the admission that Butler was otherwise indisposed for the moment which was a bit of a comfort for Hana. Butler seemed nice and knew when to stand on the other side of the door, but he was still kind of an intimidating presence, and not in the way she loved with Hailey. [color=ff69b4][b]”I know you have a heart, Hailey. You’ve stolen mine, after all.”[/b][/color] Hana’s comment made her blush but it was said as sincerely as it sounded, and it stood as a prologue to the kiss, which lingered on Hana’s lips as her body warmed at the compliment. An angel? She could get used to that. [color=ff69b4][b]”The only party we need is a dungeoneering one.”[/b][/color] The romantic moment had passed and Hana swung back into her nerdy self. [color=ff69b4][b]”I would’ve brought my laptop but it’s not exactly up to par gaming wise.”[/b][/color] Hailey waved her hand and spun on her heel, plugging in the final USB. [color=922b2b][b]“This is hardly a big deal. We’ll just have to have a better discussion with the person who I tasked with setting this up. I’ll do it when I’m not around — you aren’t exactly in a position where you need to see me discipline someone.”[/b][/color] Hailey explained, hitting the power button on Hana’s machine — like clockwork, it booted up. [color=922b2b][b]“See how easy that was?”[/b][/color] She sat down at her own station, turning on her machine, before casually adding, [color=922b2b][b]“I was thinking I might just buy you a computer for here. That way it isn’t such a pain to play with me. I’d rather you be able to play often and frequently than us have to go through this experience everytime. You’ll have to tell me what kind of LEDs and games you like, so I can make sure you are properly represented.”[/b][/color] Hailey explained, turning to smile at Hana. [color=922b2b][b]“Now, there is no wrong answer here, I want to stress that. But you can sit down at your side of the desk and troll around the internet, or you can sit on my lap and we can make out while we wait for the games to patch.”[/b][/color] Hailey explained, as both computers loaded up the patcher. She gave Hana a smile and gestured with her finger. Wasn’t [i]really[/i] a question. The chime of a system starting up was like a beautiful symphony that lasted all of a few seconds. The hard part was over, and judging by the fact that she could still see light through the window, Hana suspected several hours would soon whiz by. [color=ff69b4][b]”You don’t have to go through the trouble for me, Hailey. I’ve still got your brother’s cocaine money, so I can buy a rig and leave it here.”[/b][/color] As much as Hana might have enjoyed being doted on, she remained firm in her stance that it wasn't because of money that Hana was with Hailey - and she knew there would be those who assumed as much. [color=ff69b4][b]”I disagree, though. There is definitely a wrong answer.”[/b][/color] The question was straight out of the ‘false choice’ handbook. Who in their right mind would have opted for simply browsing the internet; everyone knew patching made internet browsing a little bit slower anyway. The answer, and thus Hana’s choice, was clear. [color=ff69b4][b]”It might be a bit. I haven’t updated in a few patches.”[/b][/color] That was a boldfaced lie, but if it meant extra time enjoying kissing her girlfriend, Hana would take it. [color=922b2b][b]“Six hundred dollars from giving Henry drugs isn’t going provide you with a machine capable of doing much other than playing Minecraft, and even then not very well. Shush, I’ll handle it.”[/b][/color] Hailey said as she pulled Hana onto her lap, [color=922b2b][b]“besides, you’ll have to buy a chair, a new mouse, a new keyboard, LEDs, RGB… It’s just overwhelming and far too much,”[/b][/color] Hailey explained with a teasing wink and a poke on Hana’s nose. Hailey had a feeling what Hana was trying to do. Don’t use Hailey for her money. Admirable, but ultimately pointless. Hailey already knew that Hana was more or less with her because she loved her (though Hana had yet to say it). The line about stealing her heart had solidified that for Hailey. She was confident and comfortable that their relationship would last for a while, unless someone interfered, but who would dare? No one. [color=922b2b][b]“You should save that money for something nice. We ought to get you some of those gel bracelets.”[/b][/color] Hailey suggested, idly fiddling with the gem hanging from Hana’s necklace. [color=922b2b][b]“You know? The different colored ones. I’d like that.”[/b][/color] [color=ff69b4][b]”You’re forgetting the ten thousand he gave me for the New Year’s party. But if you insist, I’m not going to press it. Thank you, Hailey.”[/b][/color] More to the point, Hana saving what were her final two drug payments meant she could use them on more important things than computer parts. That, of course, meaning a gift for Hailey. Hana was convinced that they would certainly last longer than any spectator’s might assume and wasn’t it common for there to be a little one month anniversary gift or the like? Ten thousand was enough to get something that Hailey would love. [color=ff69b4][b]”Gel bracelets?”[/b][/color] Hana couldn’t hide the smile she had, not at the mention of gel bracelets but from the way Hailey was admiring the gemstone in Hana’s choker - which she had not taken off once since being given it. [color=ff69b4][b]”I guess those could be cute. Despite my style I’ve never exactly been good at accessories. Will you help me pick them out?”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“Actually, I had [i]every[/i] intention of picking them out [i]for[/i] you,”[/b][/color] Hailey explained, her eyes staying on the gem. She didn’t speak for a few seconds, before looking up at Hana and smiling warmly, [color=922b2b][b]“would that be alright?”[/b][/color] She asked softly, before leaning forward and kissing at Hana’s neck. Hailey was getting bored with talking, and the games were still patching. Though Hailey was now showering Hana’s neck and collarbone with feathery kisses, she still patiently waited for the answer to her question. Was she distracting? Maybe a little, but Hailey had found that a distracted Hana was the most fun. Besides, Hana was about to experience what it was like to be a proper pocket healer, and that would lead to more than a few distractions. Hailey was just doing her the good service of making sure she had a bit of practice before being thrown to the dogs. [color=ff69b4][b]”Well, you have a good eye for style. You picked out this necklace for me, which I adore, so I trust you with the bracelets.”[/b][/color] Hana was fond of the choker, it matched her eyes and it made her feel special. Who else had a necklace like that? From Hailey Green herself no less. How could Hana not feel special about that? With the question answered, talking seemed to slide down the list of priorities as Hana turned her attention to turning her neck into the kiss. Lips had so many more uses than just sitting there talking and chatting up a storm. Why bother when they could be used for something much more appealing. Hana purred, the warm feeling of the night before returning as she gazed into Hailey’s eyes, preparing herself for what was sure to be another great memory shared between the two of them. Hailey nodded, [color=922b2b][b]“then we’ll grab them before our brunch tomorrow,”[/b][/color] she said, before she pressed their lips together, and slid her hand up Hana’s shirt… This continued for a while, until Hailey was sure she had Hana up on the edge. Then she broke their kiss, and looked at the computer screens, [color=922b2b][b]“Oh! The game’s finished,”[/b][/color] Hailey cooed in delight, gesturing at Hana’s chair, [color=922b2b][b]“let’s play now.”[/b][/color] Never before had Hana been [i]annoyed[/i] at a game for something other than its content. Hailey had a way of making Hana forget about anything and everything around her other than Hailey and herself and this was no exception. As they had been locked in the throes of love and passion, the idea of a LAN left Hana’s mind. There was only her. And there was only Hailey. Reality was like a bucket of cold water on wakeup but Hana was savvy enough to not let her slight disappointment linger by forcing a smile before turning to confirm that, yes, the games had indeed been patched and ready to play. [color=ff69b4][b]”Well...there’s...no time to waste. Drops and spawns and queues and all.”[/b][/color] It was only with a heavy sigh that Hana even had the motivation to move from Hailey’s grasp to the computer chair. Hailey rolled her eyes and reached out with a hand, giving Hana a little slap on the rear. [color=922b2b][b]“Oh, don’t be such a baby. If you’re a good pocket healer, I promise you’ll have a wonderful night.”[/b][/color] Hailey teased in a voice that was perhaps more firm than she’d intended, as she rolled her chair closer to the desk and got situated, punching her information in to login into the game. As the screen spun and she waited, she looked over at Hana, [color=922b2b][b]“You’re not allowed to heal anyone else without my okay. Understood?”[/b][/color] She asked with a small smirk on her lips. [color=922b2b][b]“This is your first chance to really impress me — let’s see if you have what it takes, alright?”[/b][/color] She asked, blowing Hana a kiss. Hailey had every intentions of making Hana look like a bad group healer, but ultimately that wasn’t going to be Hana’s job. Some other player would have to take over the job of healing the rest of the team. Hana’s duty? To keep her Hailey alive. If ever there was a way to get Hana to focus fully on a task, Hailey’s tone was it. The voice hadn’t even been near to the intimidating or commanding that Hana had witnessed firsthand but the teasing promise and the way Hailey made Hana promise to solely pocket heal was enough to get her focused on the game. Fortunately she did have a healer at an appropriate level, though not with the full set of amazing armor that her former main character had. Somehow she doubted that would matter. Hana logged into her healer and quickly checked her keybinds and shortcuts. [color=ff69b4][b]”I promise you’ll never wipe, Hailey.”[/b][/color] It was a bold claim, but if this was a chance to impress then Hana was taking it seriously. Her only hope was that no one in their groups noticed or pointed out the preferential treatment Hailey was going to be getting. Hailey gave Hana a nod as she logged into her tank. She turned in her chair briefly, [color=922b2b][b]“well, we’ll see about that, won’t we?”[/b][/color] She asked, before spinning back to face her screen. She sent Hana a party and a friend request, before admitting: [color=922b2b][b]“I don’t have a proper guild we can play with. Do you? I try to keep a relatively low profile on the internet — I’m sort of a celebrity. If not, we can just queue with randoms, but I think it’ll be much more fun if you do this in front of your friends,”[/b][/color] Hailey explained with the same crisp, brutal honesty that she always had in matters such as this. While they got ready to queue up, Hailey set about jumping in circles. [color=922b2b][b]“I think it’s important you use voice chat. That way if anyone has anything to say about your playstyle, they can speak up as they feel is necessary. After all, we want people to voice their concerns, don’t we, my vanilla bean?”[/b][/color] Hailey asked, trying out a new pet name for her sweet angel. The party request was accepted as was the friend one, and Hana even made sure to add a little note on the friends list consisting of a simple ‘<3’. [color=ff69b4][b]”Uhm...kind of?”[/b][/color] Hana had a strange history with guilds. She never ran one herself but she had been a member of a fair few in her time. She’d been part of some raiding guilds but left and when her video guides garnered attention she was getting guild invites on the regular. Since then Hana had kept her main character out of guilds but her healer was a member of a casual, though still serious about content, guild. [color=ff69b4][b]”There are some people online. Do you want an invite to it?”[/b][/color] Hana was putting the feelers in guild chat but was hesitating on the voice chat comment. She had a habit of getting...angry on voice chat. But that was when she was tanking. When she was leading. She hadn’t even considered using voice chat. And then Hailey called her a vanilla bean and she was practically melting into the chair. [color=ff69b4][b]”Y...Yeah...voice chat...okay.”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“Yes, invite me. Do you like that pet name? I was trying it out. since I know how much you love vanilla, and I know how much I love you…”[/b][/color] Hailey explained with a smile, before she pulled her headset on and turned on the party chat. This would be the way they’d communicate for now! That way their eventual team could communicate with them. [color=922b2b][b]“We’ll just be doing a Deltascape. After all this is your practice run. If you do good, maybe I’ll let you pocket heal me on harder raids. If not, then you’ll just go back to your tank, and we’ll find another game to play together.”[/b][/color] Hailey explained, leaving no room for error. The string was pulled to its tightest. Time to be the clutch player you’d always considered yourself, Hana. [color=ff69b4][b]”I love the name.”[/b][/color] Hana’s enthusiasm was clear as she sent the guild invite and rounded up some DPS players to join the trial run. She had loved the nickname. It made her smile and it made her blush which was all she ever wanted out of a nickname. Plus it was specific to Hailey; she was Hailey’s vanilla bean. [color=ff69b4][b]”I...I won’t..let you down.”[/b][/color] She wasn’t exactly swimming in confidence but Hana was nothing if not determined to prove her mettle as she adjusted her microphone and connected to the voice chat. With the party formed, Hana hit the queue button and before long they were all ported away to a mechanical cavern looking place. Hana’s character stayed practically in lock step behind Hailey’s as the dungeon began. Hana was used to simply grabbing all the trash mobs and taking them down but the trash mobs seemed to be causing some trouble for the party, who were taking hits they could’ve avoided. [color=ff69b4][b]”Jesus, DPS, are you even trying?”[/b][/color] Hana’s game persona was poking through. Hailey was enjoying herself. Was she trying? It was questionable; otherwise the mobs may have been pulled and micro’d a bit more professionally. Hailey was enjoying the attention she was getting from Hana, and she smirked to herself as Hana got a little snippy. The next voice to enter their headsets wasn’t Hailey’s, or even Hana’s. It was one of the people they’d queued with, [color=d87529][b]“I’d do better if I was getting healed…”[/b][/color] The masculine voice muttered. Hailey leaned back in her chair silently, AOEing a few more mobs into her range. She could handle this relatively easily; it wasn’t a complicated map, or raid. It wasn’t even something new to her, in fact she’d ran this more than a few times. She could have spoken up for Hana, and helped her out, or explained things… But this? This would be more fun! Besides, it was a test. Still, Hailey decided she’d pick up her play — best they not get a bad rep in the guild. [color=ff69b4][b]”Excuse you?”[/b][/color] Hana heard the DPS speak up and criticise. Typical DPS, they take one hit and they practically begged to be healed even though they still have ninety percent of their health. If they weren’t good enough at their rotation to kill things quickly and while taking minimal damage, it wasn’t Hana’s fault. [color=ff69b4][b]”Learn your fucking rotation. That red cone isn’t there for you to stand in. Idiots.”[/b][/color] As Hana refreshed Hailey’s heal over time stacks, she continued to insult their lackluster DPS. Hana tended to take these things seriously, even when a more casual setting was involved. It had made her an effective raid leader over the years. If this was a trial run or a first run through or even one of her lessons she hosted she wouldn’t have gotten so worked up. But these people were said to be experienced with the content, it’s why she invited them from the guild. [color=ff69b4][b]”Look at the meters, the tank is doing better numbers than you.”[/b][/color] Were vanilla beans usually this toxic? Hailey made a mental note to look into later, but she looked over at Hana as she continued to berate their teammates. Hailey decided she’d had enough. Her character stopped moving, and she leaned across to Hana, raising up a hand, and flicking her girlfriend on the nose. It wasn’t hard enough to cause pain, but it was hard enough to be felt. With that, Hailey spoke — knowing full well that her mic wasn’t muted and she was going to be heard loud and clear. [color=922b2b][b]“Hana, [i]play nice[/i]. Apologize to our friends. You’ve been very rude.”[/b][/color] She said, meeting Hana’s eyes with a sleek smile and a wink, before she got back to her side of the desk. Speaking into the mic, Hailey stole the chance to speak for Hana. [color=922b2b][b]“I apologize for my healer. She’s a bit feisty. I’m working on it.”[/b][/color] Hailey was cut off by the voice from their DPS speaking before she was finished. [color=d87529][b]“It’s, uh… okay.”[/b][/color] The voice said, and Hailey’s face crinkled into one of disgust, before she spoke in a snappy, fierce voice. [color=922b2b][b]“[i]Shut. Up.[/i]”[/b][/color] She hissed, and then Hailey waited, counting her head to five to make sure that she wasn’t spoken over again. Once she was certain, she spoke again, this time to Hana. [color=922b2b][b]“What do you have to say for yourself, Hana?”[/b][/color] Hailey asked, finally giving Hana the chance to speak. Honestly? Hailey was very much enjoying herself. This was more fun than she thought it would be. Had Hailey not stepped in it was quite likely that Hana would’ve continued to show off more of her domineering side. She had a reputation for a reason; while many felt she could be too strict, none could deny that it got results. Hana was around for various world firsts for a good reason. But when her nose was flicked and she let out a little pained gasp, it was like Hailey found the ‘off’ switch and Hana was quiet and more similar to how she had been the night previous. Albeit without handcuffs limiting her movements. She was out of line. That much was obvious, and Hailey was there to remind Hana of that fact. There was quiet in the voice chat for a moment as Hana searched for the proper words. [color=ff69b4][b]”Sorry…”[/b][/color] Her voice was softer, fidgety, and like a complete one eighty from before. [color=ff69b4][b]”I didn’t mean it. I was...I was out of line.”[/b][/color] Hana offered a verbal apology and looked to Hailey for approval - though before doing so she gave one of the DPS a heal in apology. It seemed like a way to apologize in case her sincere words didn’t cut it. Hailey was very nearly satisfied. Things were going perfect. There was an apology, and Hana was back to being diminutive and submissive, the way she normally was. Everyone got a little salty at video games, but Hailey drew the line. If she and Hana were going to play together, she was going to keep things under wraps and down to a certain level. The flick had put things back in perspective, but then she healed the DPS. Hailey’s aura and tone shifted immediately. [color=922b2b][b]“Hana, why are you wasting your mana on someone else? I don’t recall giving you permission to heal someone else. Do I need someone else to focus on me? Because apparently you’re not good at it…”[/b][/color] Hailey sighed deeply, and the DPS spoke up again, in apologetic tones. [color=d87529][b]“Uhm, it’s okay? I’m sorry for being healed? Thank you, though.”[/b][/color] While Hana had earlier shown off a bit of her ferocity, it was still nothing compared to Hailey’s barbed words. They had gotten Hana to apologize and now they had her stammering and squirming like a dog who was having their nose rubbed in it. Of course, it was to be expected. Hana remembered now. Hailey had said at the start that she wasn’t allowed to heal anyone else without permission. [color=ff69b4][b]”I..I..misclicked. It...it was...an accident…”[/b][/color] Hana knew her excuse was as flimsy as wet paper but it was the first excuse she could think of. [color=ff69b4][b]”I’ll heal you! I...I can do it!”[/b][/color] From domineering to demure in five minutes, and all in front of others. [color=922b2b][b]“Uh-huh.”[/b][/color] Hailey said dryly, in an attempt to convey that she didn’t yet fully believe Hana yet. Hailey was playing a game with Hana and she reached over to Hana’s knee and grabbed it, squeezing it to give her a brief physical reassurance. She didn’t want Hana to think she was starting to hate her — just that she expected a better job from her. [color=922b2b][b]“Let’s get this done now, please, people.”[/b][/color] She said back into her microphone, returning her attentions to the raid. After the past few minutes, Hailey had risen to being the leader of the raid. She looked over at Hana, who was shifting and fidgety in the chair. [color=922b2b][b]“Mmm, Hana. When you get like that, it really puts a smile on my face.”[/b][/color] Hailey purred, and indeed, there was a smile on her face. [color=d87529][b]“You two are weird.”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“Don’t be jealous, you virgin.”[/b][/color] [color=d87529][b]“...ow, my pride.”[/b][/color] The simplest things had the greatest effect. The physical affection shown to Hana’s knee had a calming effect but it still made her shaky and nervous, with fingers shaky as they hovered over the keyboard. It wasn’t nervous fidgeting but happy; being touched just so by her girlfriend was exhilarating and that brief contact made Hana momentarily forget that they were still very much being verbal. So much so that her little gasp of a squeak at the touch transmitted to the party, and that just made her go red. Weird. That’s what one of the other voices said. And with it, Hana’s little squeaking titter became a happy little sigh. Didn’t she say she was weird earlier today? And didn’t Hailey say that that was why she loved her? Suddenly ‘weird’ was a compliment where Hana was concerned. [color=ff69b4][b]”We can clear it. I know we can”[/b][/color] Hana was still fidgeting in her seat, but her determination was there, and as the raid continued she again stuck to Hailey like glue, going so far as to purposely not using her AoE heal ability. That would go against the rules. Hailey was all smiles by the end of the raid. Hana had done a good job, and under Hailey’s lead they had made it through with almost no casualties. Once they arrived to the zone before the raid boss, Hailey paused the group. [color=922b2b][b]“Alright, Hana. I suppose you should go ahead and top the others off.”[/b][/color] She said, then immediately the DPS from before spoke up. [color=d87529][b]“Finally.”[/b][/color] Hailey scowled at the screen, [color=922b2b][b]“Not him. His demeanor is that of a pouty child.”[/b][/color] She said, looking over at Hana expectantly. [color=922b2b][b]“Don’t AOE him on ‘accident,’ either.”[/b][/color] She said firmly, before Hailey set about the best part of MMOs: making your character jump around in circles. Hana was about to hit her AoE heal when the particularly snippy DPS spoke up only to put his foot firmly in his mouth. Rather than him getting heals, he had to watch as Hana topped off the other members of the party and then put her cursor back over Hailey’s character. She didn’t feel all that bad, actually. There were potions and food in the game for a reason. [color=ff69b4][b]”Oh, Hailey, your buff stacks…”[/b][/color] Hana had almost forgotten to refresh Hailey’s buff to health and defense, but Hana made sure to top Hailey off. All things considered Hana figured this was a good run. She wasn’t used to healing at this level so she had a tendency to overheal Hailey and thus draw aggro but Hailey didn’t seem to notice or mind as far as Hana could tell. They’d made it to the final room without a full wipe even with the complaining - some of it done in the party chat - and even if the DPS failed and died to the boss, Hana was confident they could clear it. Because their tank would always have full health and in that battle of attrition they had the advantage. [color=ff69b4][b]”Okay...ready up!”[/b][/color] Hailey smiled, comfortable in her position of power. Being a tank was fun, she’d decided. She more commonly played DPS, but they didn’t get to boss people around. Maybe it was just her personality, but the entire raid had been listening to her — possibly because they didn’t want to get snapped at like the one boy who kept speaking out of turn. [color=922b2b][b]“Here we go,”[/b][/color] she said, as the final members of their small raiding team hit the ready up button… After a few minutes, they’d won. Hailey glanced at the loot table for a quick second, before she took her headset off and stepped behind Hana’s chair, draping her hands down into Hana’s lap. Hailey tipped the chair backward and bent her body forward in a fluid motion, then kissed Hana on the forehead. [color=922b2b][b]“You did very well.”[/b][/color] Hana let out a sigh of relief when the boss was downed and the color-coded drops littered the ground at his feet. There were a few hiccups but by and large the first run of the night was successful - in spite of some sour DPS that were being needy and rude. The newly mained healer was about to see if there was anything that dropped for her - perhaps a new mainhand or something to increase her healing numbers - but her world was taken over by a bit of Green. The kiss to her forehead and the congratulatory remarks were better than any piece of legendary gear. [color=ff69b4][b]”I only did so well because I had a wonderful tank to protect me.”[/b][/color] Hana turned to offer a happy smile at Hailey. It must’ve been a good run, a passing test, if her reward was a kiss - to the forehead or otherwise. [color=ff69b4][b]”I think I can get used to being your healer.”[/b][/color] When Hana turned to face her, Hailey smiled back down at her. She had a good time, and that was what was most important in this sort of thing. After all, it was still a game at its core, and Hailey strived to not take it anymore seriously than necessary. [color=922b2b][b]“Good, vanilla bean. I [i]hope[/i] you can used to it — because I wouldn’t let anyone else heal me, anyway.”[/b][/color] She reached down and twirled some of Hana’s hair around her finger, staring into her girlfriend’s eyes the whole time… Enough video games. There were physical games to be played. Hailey leaned down the rest of the way, and gave her a proper kiss on the lips, before she spoke into the mic boom. [color=922b2b][b]“We’re leaving now. Bye, boys.”[/b][/color] With that, Hailey took the headset off of her girlfriend and looked at her watch, [color=922b2b][b]“If we order pizza now, I think we’ll have twenty minutes before we get here. I can make twenty minutes last a very, very long time, Hana.”[/b][/color] Vanilla bean. It was just as good as being told ‘good girl’; it had the same effect to boot, that being to get Hana smiling, lowering her eyelids, and being consumed by affection towards Hailey. It meant a job well done, and it meant that Hailey was happy. That happiness went both ways even if Hana was still figuring out how to showcase that publicly. There was no one else Hana would want to pocket heal, and that counted for everything. [color=ff69b4][b]”Well then what are we waiting for? Twenty minutes, I’m yours.”[/b][/color] For the first time in her life, Hana suspected she might be upset to see a pizza delivery person.[/indent][/indent]