[hider=Acknowledgement to previous idea] [i]Ruthen Rems - a project - Me, trying to weave a story post-by-post! Why do I keep writing? Am I a writer? I keep reading, that I know for certain. And every time, an urge to click keys on a keyboard bugs me. But I don’t. Not until my body flops stomach-down onto my bed, cushioning my fall. To the left, an white wire waves at me - not literally, although please take a minute to imagine if Apple earbuds could say something. Oh, all the things I’d complain about. For now, I reach my left arm over, my hand accompanying it, and plug the left piece into my closest ear. It was still on and not out of battery, so the old French song that had begun playing as soon as I’d fallen asleep last night finished. A particularly rambunctious song wanted to play next. Naturally, I didn’t feel the vibes this afternoon, and pressed a white button on the little blue Apple iPod to skip. Trillions of flocks of people read without writing. Thus, I need another trigger. If a picture is a thousand words, then music requires none. Say the perfect writer produced an infinite stream of perfect books and words. Well, no living being would be able to finish reading them, and as such, the meaning is lost. A musical piece needs not letters to convey its meaning. That is purely divine, in the non-heavenly sense. Stress free, I listen to an opening number in the film “The Hobbit”, called [i]Concerning Hobbits[/i]. Yet it is all the trigger I need to start writing again.[/i][/hider] [h1][center][color=gold]OUR GOLDEN HOUSE[/color][/center][/h1]