Junebug was already moving as Neil dived for the pipe. His entrance had drawn most of the gunmen's attention but she still kept low as she darted from the pile of crates to one of the riveted steel pillars. Shots hammered into the pipes, following Neil as he wormed his way through the narrow opening. One of the unarmed enemies, a heavy set woman with broad muscular arms, had pulled a fragmentation grenade from a webbing harness and thumbed the activator. Junebug shot her twice before she could toss the explosive, both shots hitting her at the base of the sternum. Blood gouted from the woman's mouth as she tumbled back into a pile of coiled pneumatic cabling. The grenade bounced onto the concrete, it's red led blinking rapidly. Someone shouted a warning as Junebug pressed herself flat against the support post. There was a flat bang and the familiar whine of glass fiber shrapnel. Screams mixed with the gunfire and Junebug ducked out and put a long burst into a pair of men who were rushing towards the landing pit, tumbling both bodies into the pit with a spray of blood and a clatter of equipment. The weapon clicked empty and she ducked back into cover. With quick methodical action she stripped the magazine and dropped it to the floor. "Whatever your doing Neil make it quick!" She slapped her spare clip into her weapon and cocked the action. When she got up this morning she hadn't been expecting urban warfare. "This is what I get for brunching without grenades," she muttered as the shots tore the walls around her, hammering the steel pillar she was sheltering behind. "Taya how we doing?" Junebug called over the radio, blinking to clear the after flashes of tracer fire from her eyes. "Uhhhh... working on something!" [@POOHEAD189]