[b]Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 336[/b] This was originally posted on the old/deleted guild but it never had a chance to get past the OOC what with the guild shutting down. In any case, I'm making a second attempt at this! ... ... The year is 2015; Iawara is a a highly developed city and at it's center is Iawara Radio Tower, a structure so massive in scale (approximately 600 meters) that it can be seen from virtually anywhere in the city. While the inner city is a metropolis, the outer city contrasts this with its suburbia although large in its own right as it almost entirely circles the city. Oddly, all the schools are located in the same general area; the various elementary and junior high schools, but those that stand out are West Kokusai Senior High School, Kanagawa High School, Tennoji Junior High School, the all-girls Eiwa Senior High School, and the private school Karasuma Academy, making for a very diverse gathering of students and teachers. However, the schools are located far away from the city and residential areas and the trains are the only means of reaching the schools for many students. .. Recently, there has been a spur of violent crimes...It wasn't something people initially paid mind to but has now come to the attention of the public as an epidemic with no known cause—even people who have never lashed out at anyone, those who can easily control their tempers, suddenly become violent and angry. While they seem to mostly be in their right mind set, the sudden change in personality doesn't make sense, especially when it's affected so many people on mass scale including young children and animals. Even so, there has yet to be a serious incident and it is because of this that the residents of Iawara City remain unconcerned with what's going on. What's a few thousands victims to the six million other citizens, right? .. Late in the evening a group of students take the last train home when a strange phenomenon occurs, their electronics stop working and begin projecting strange noises—they soon find themselves pulled into a chaotic world that mirrors their own where the consciousness of people exists in the form of Persona, where creatures called Shadows roam the streets, and the emotions of the cities residents affect the very existence of this strange world...The violent crimes of their world and the chaos of this one; could they be connected? ... ... [b]Note(s)[/b]: I'm looking to do a Persona roleplay what with Persona 5 recently being announced and while I saw a few other Persona roleplay requests drifting around, I didn't see anything that particularly interested me so I decided to make my own. That said, I'd like 6-8 people for this roleplay and I don't reserve spots. I'll give everyone time to fill out their template without feeling rushed so don't worry! Aaaaaand sorry for the jumbled mess of a description, it will definitely be more organized in the OOC, I was just trying to provide what information I thought was important but couldn't quite get a flow to it. If anyone has questions feel free to ask!