Lunise was naturally the one who ignored Meesei's advice not to rush. At least, that much was suggested by her relatively early appearance. She was out of uniform, instead opting for a rather understated set of trousers, a wrap shirts, and shoes. Glass vials tinkled together in a small leather satchel on her belt. With her hair tied up, she looked ready to act as support for Meesei in a fight. No Dominion agendas, no psychological impositions, nothing more than support. Lorag and Sabine emerged next, equipped as they usually were for missions these days. Sabine was still displaying dark rings around her eyes. On top of still holding anxiety over her recent experiences, she was never glad to leave Yerig and Do'rhajul alone for more than an hour or two. Little time remained before Janius and Kaleeth both strode in, suited in their respective heavy armours. It was only when they were fully equipped like this or transformed into beasts that their image as gentle parents was challenged in others' minds. Then again, how everyone looked was telling enough of how they had changed over the years since last at Molag Bal's cult. They all remembered it gravely, though. Lunise could pick it up in their expressions. "So, do we have a plan?" Janius started off.