Liz looked around the room uncertainly. She was used to upper class, if a little shady, places like this. This wasn't the first time in a gambling establishment but it was the first time she had been in one alone. She knew she stood out like a sore thumb but there wasn't anything she could do about that. She had a job to do. There weren't as many people as she feared. Which was good since she wasn't used to being around so many people at once. She took a deep breath gathering her courage. As she started to move around the room Liz noticed a woman surrounded by men. The woman was attracting. Too much attention. The woman was like a siren. That couldnt be the beauty Liz thought. Someone who could change their, and others appearance, would be someone who didnt want to be found easily. Even someone inexperienced as she was knew if you wanted to hid you needed to attract as little attention as possible. When the woman beckoned her, Liz's frown deepened. The action made her uncomfortable. She wasnt trying to draw attention to gerself. Hell she had barely walked into the room. This had set up written all over it. Nothing in Liz's limited experience had been this easy. Still she had to start somewhere and the would take several people out at once. Liz still had no idea how she was supposed to find this beauty. The woman hide from bounty hunters surely she was smarter than the sheltered daughter of a doctor. Still other people found the bladed beauty to have her change their appearance so it wasnt impossible she just needed to figure out how they found her without announcing that she was looking for her. Liz took another deep breath and gathered her courage and headed towards the woman.