[@KidKoshka] Yes there is still room :) get started I cant wait to see what you've got! [@The Mad Hatter] 1. Replied - I'm American so you probably sent me that PM in the middle of the night, I apologize for such a late response 2. No you can be older or younger... Everyone attending this school is on equal playing field despite age height etc. 3. We will be focusing less on the classes and more on the training so "Class" is just something that our characters will have to split from the group to go attend... Practices will be every day and the whole pod will train together under a 'Professor' of sorts that will help us find our abilities. (I will most likely play this character unless anyone else feels inclined to do so...) 4. With this being posted up in casual I really only expect about 2-3 paragraphs but they can be as long or short as you wish... I will set the standard hopefully with my intro IC post. Hope this helped :)