[quote=@Drazah] With this being posted up in casual I really only expect about 2-3 paragraphs but they can be as long or short as you wish... I will set the standard hopefully with my intro IC post. Hope this helped :) [/quote] Actually, I meant how [i]often[/i] you expect posts. I can't manage a post every day, so there's that... [hider=My Character] [color=92278f]Name:[/color] [color=f6989d]Katerina "Kira" Talanov[/color] [color=92278f]Age:[/color] [color=f6989d]Twenty-three years of age (27)[/color] [color=92278f]Height:[/color] [color=f6989d]5'10" - 178cm[/color] [color=92278f]Weight:[/color] [color=f6989d]176lbs - 80kg[/color] [color=92278f]Appearance:[/color] [color=f6989d]Kira is considered a very attractive young woman by most; with her soft features, almond-shaped eyes, button nose,and plum lips, it is easy to mistake her for that sweet, innocent, and lovable “girl next door” type. Her hair is sandy blond with soft, wavy curls and is cut rather short so that it only reaches the top of her shoulders. Her eyes are a rich violet with a certain shine to them, like a sparkling amethyst, and framed by long, white-blond eyelashes. Although her face would in most cases be classified as pretty or beautiful, Kira has gone to great lengths for her body to be perceived as sexy. She was by nature blessed with a round type of body, with wide hips and generous breasts, but would also be rather chubby, were it not for her strict diet and exercise plans. As long as she sticks to those, she keeps a lean form that would be described as “hourglass”. She has very smooth and almost flawless skin, with very few scars or blemishes to show. She is very pale, though. She favors tank tops and hot pants or sundresses during the summer, while she usually wears tight-fitting jeans and cardigans in the winter. She never wears heels, but has several different kinds of pretty flats for her different outfits.[/color] [color=92278f]Personality:[/color] [color=f6989d]The best way to describe Kira's personality with one word would be “Confident”. Kira is a person of strong beliefs and she will not waver from her path no matter what anybody says. Despite her somewhat gray morals when it comes to her personal interests and preferences, Kira has a very strong sense of what she feels is right and wrong and will not stand by to see the weak and poor abused.[/color] [color=92278f]Background:[/color] [color=f6989d]Born and raised in Russia, Katerina set off to a brighter future in America the day she turned eighteen. She worked as a stripper by night to afford going to school during the day.[/color] [color=92278f]Ability:[/color] [color=f6989d]Kira has noticed that her emotions seems to affect others more than usual and that people oftentimes comment on her scent, despite her not wearing perfume.[/color] [color=92278f]Fun Facts:[/color] [color=f6989d][list][*]Although originally from Russia, she actually has better grammar in English than Russian. [*]Despite being lean and fit, she still feels fat and was actually close to developing an eating disorder in her teens. [*]Her favorite color is purple and because of this her favorite part of herself is her eyes. [*]She handles sunlight very badly and burns like a ginger. [*]Her hair was white as snow when she was born and got gradually darker through her childhood, hitting the same shade as it has now by the time she hit puberty. [*]The name “Kira” was what her mother called her when she was a child. [*]Despite being so obsessed with her own appearance, she actually cares very little about others'; she believes that it is what is on the inside that counts. [*]Despite being a pretty blond, Kira is actually quite smart. She has an IQ of 145, making her a near-genius, if not an actual one. She also have Master degrees in both Biology and Physics. [/list][/color] [/hider]