[@Balthazar007] [b]April 18th Circes apartment Phili.[/b] Circe couldn't of been more excited as she got home and read the email. She had to read it three times just to believe they accepted her!! She was apart of group 3 for boot camp, which she hoped was nothing like Full Metal Jacket, and more like Major Payne. She had never been to Russia before, knowing her choice in people she loved made her a target, but she was sure she would be fine with being with the military. [b]May 4th Russian Bootcamp Circe[/b] She was still riding cloud nine, Circe had on tight leg warmers, a Dragon Ball Super shirt and a heavy coat to battle the cold. She waited in a line of other prospective trainers to learn what they wanted from them, a man paced back and forth in front of them with the woman she saw in D.C. off to the side. She had to be from a Pokemon world not from the games or t.v. show cuz Circe didn't recognize her. -------------------------------------------- [b]May 4th Russia Liz[/b] Liz now had a good handle on this blasted English, she still struggled with the bigger words, but at least now she won't sound like a babbling idiot, she met with a man named Professor Oak in Japan a few weeks ago, and allowed him to examine her Pokemon to see if there was any major differences between the Pokemon from different worlds. She aslo met a young boy and his Pikachu, who immediatly challanged her to a battle after learning she was a champion. Hephaestus didn't even break a sweat. She now stood against the wall of a boot camp in Russia looking at a group that was about to become trainers. She would be paired with one of them and go off and capture pokemon. She got tired of waiting for the drill instructor to begin so she tossed Ades ball in the air. When the Snorlax popped out the recruits gasped at seeing the huge sleeping Pokemon. She climbed onto her stomach and laid back. [color=f49ac2]"Let me know when I am needed."[/color] She said to no one in particular as she closed her eyes for a nap.