Icy feeling of whatnow? Gonad had no special powers of intimidation. He was just naturally intimidating, and the predator wasn't having any of it. It was fast, its move had been carefully considered, and it was committed to it. You don't tell a monster 'Hey, buddy. I wouldn't do that if I were you' mid-leap and get any reaction worth mentioning, except...you know...the one it was going through with already. With Gonad not even moving, he left himself open and was unprepared for the attack. Even if he [i]hadn't[/i] been ignoring it, the point of the noises was to disrupt the abiility to figure out where it was coming from by ears alone. So, without even taking a defensive posture, he was open. All of this was just fine for the Trygon. The other was standing, wary, and taking no action to defend the big one, the big one whom its saber-claws would tear into. With not even a flinch from the prone figure, the hybrid beast's attack would carry through. The long, curved claws of its forepaw hands dug right into stomach, pushing its weight and velocity into the tear, blood flying free as Trygon came down upon him. The back legs came down swiftly, digging into the chest of the man, and pushing down hard as it then pulled free the claws with its next leap to return back to the gloom of the woods. In the time that it took Shadow to ask what the heck the Trygon was, it was there and gone again. It had gone from a speedy wolf to a leaping horror, and was now loping itself out of range, letting out a screeching growl that echoed from all directions.