[center][url=fontmeme.com][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180331/f6eee853310fda208c11be6cfb1d1e99.png[/img][/url] [h2]At the Gates of Ba Sing Se[/h2] [i][color=#333333]Colour: #ED1111[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] If he knew where Zhen had gone - immediately after disembarking, no less - Ren would have had him doing dropstance and surgehops for a [i]month[/i]. He'd probably have admitted it was a reasonable idea afterwards, mind, but the grumpy old lizard had a [i]thing[/i] about his 'reckless streak'. Still, capital of the Earth Kingdom and centre of An's power or not, Ba Sing Se was probably the best place to gather rumours that might hint at the Avatar's location or status. It had taken a couple of weeks to get there, most of which he'd spent pulling his weight as a grunt labourer - first to pay his passage on the ship, then in order to travel with a merchant caravan going his way - and suppressing the urge to bend, except in the smallest of ways. That, obviously, couldn't continue; at the same time, however, he had no desire to be outed to An's forces as a firebender. He didn't know exactly what would happen then, but the rumours suggested nothing good. Hence why he was standing on the road just outside the Impenetrable City, staring up at the massive gates in consideration. Once he went in, he probably wouldn't get a chance to seriously start firebending until he left again, and given how [i]huge[/i] Ba Sing Se was... it could take him [i]weeks[/i] to find a lead. On the other hand, what other options did he have? Wander around aimlessly and hope for the best? Visit all the remote mountaintops and valleys one by one and hope the Avatar didn't move to one he'd already searched? Sighing, he got into line. No, he wasn't armed. No, he hadn't committed any crimes by the laws of the Earth Kingdom. No, he didn't have any enemies likely to come looking for him. Yes, he'd stay out of trouble. Yes, he'd report any suspicious activity ([i]hint hint[/i] especially Water Tribers [i]hint hint[/i].) That guard wasn't anywhere near as subtle as he thought he was. Judging from the [i]look[/i] his partner was shooting him, she'd be giving him an earful once they were off duty. Still, division in the ranks was no concern of his. At least it indicated there wasn't quite enough fuel for the fire; he'd have a much more difficult time staying hidden if An's thugs were tending the flame too closely, to say nothing of how much less willing people would be to talk. Briefly offering thanks to Agni (and, after a moment's thought, Guanyin) for how simple it had been to get through, he settled into the well-worn groove of 'patrol walk', a steady gait that could carry him through hours of walking. Best to get the lay of the land first. [hr] About ninety minutes later, munching absently on an apple, Zhen found himself walking down a much emptier street than most he'd passed through, and bristling with far more soldiers too. Distantly, a bell was ringing, loud and strident. The soldiers started running. ... Well, [i]something[/i] was happening. Finishing his apple, carefully restraining his gait to a sort of loping jog - not an attention-grabbing run, but not attention-grabbingly unworried either - and plastering a concerned expression on his face, he headed in the same direction as An's goons, keeping a careful distance behind them. Just in case.