[color=fff200][h1][center]Gabriel[/center][/h1][/color][hr] Gabriel turned, slightly startled as she felt someone tapping her shoulder from behind, and came face to face with a bundle of red hair, and a pair of imploring green eyes. Now, Gabriel didn't usually share her food, but that was mostly because nobody ever asked. With a grin, Gabriel pulled out a ready-made sandwich, offering it to the girl. "Peanut butter." Oh, she should also probably get her to stop swatting the wasps. She was [i]pretty[/i] sure that they were a person, or at least sapient. Hurting the bugs might be something of a health hazard to whoever was behind their consciousness. "Yeah, you might want to stop doing that," she cautioned, placing a hand on the one Temper was using to bat them away. "I'm pretty sure that these wasps are a person. Or something. They can talk, so I'm pretty sure. Besides, they gave me honey, so they're fine in my book." [hr] [@Genni][@Duoya]