(This does exist) [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/4c5f/f/2013/020/9/c/anime_guy_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5s4834.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Name[/color]: Reo Hakari [color=00aeef]Gender[/color]: Male [color=00aeef]Age[/color]: 16 [color=00aeef]Former Life[/color]: Student [color=00aeef]Clubs[/color]: Art [color=00aeef]Gear[/color]: 1x blue adjustable strapped duffel bag 1x black leather bound sketch book 1x fifty-six set of color pencils 1x forty-eight set of double ended water color markers 15x varied acrylic paints 1x paper bound paint book 1x black headphones edged in purple 1x baby blue iPod MP3 player [color=00aeef]Skills[/color]: Reo may need glasses but focusing on finishing this last painting, getting this sketch just right, him fixing that small detail has given him ,overtime, [b]Keen vision[/b] which helps him see the little things and tiny details. (That is as long as he has his glasses) After years of hard work sketching and painting has awarded him with [b]steady hands[/b] allowing him to draw in beautiful swirls and straight lines. I don't know if it can be considered a skill but after years of forcing himself to stay awake to finish the current art project he was working on, he has forced [b]Insomnia[/b] on himself meaning he can stay up away into the night wether he wants to or not. [color=00aeef]Likes & Dislikes[/color]: [Sup]+[/sup]Art- kinda a given people [Sup]+[/sup]Music- helps him work and sleep on rare occasions [Sup]+[/sup]Tatsunoko Tomari- he won't ever admit this to anyone probably ever, but he has had the biggest crush on her sense he meet her. [Sup]-[/sup]Spiders- ever sense he was a child reo has had arachnaphobia... To the level that he locks up unable to function for several minutes. [Sup]-[/sup] Bullys- Reo just doesn't see the point behind picking on someone else physically or mentally hurting them just because you feel like it. [Sup]-[/sup]Squid/Calamari- Reo just can't stand squid, sushi is fine but no squid. [color=00aeef]Personality[/color]: Reo is a [b]Quiet[/b] person by heart, only speaking up when he feels it is absolutely necessary. He would Rather protect his friends than himself deeming them more important than himself, making him rather [b]Selfless[/b]. He stays[b] Calm and collected[/b] most of the time although he is [b]Forgetful and disorganized[/b], honestly he would lose his head if it wasn't attached. [color=00aeef]Biography[/color]: Reo had an average life up till he was eight years old, parents working nine to five jobs, house with three bed one bath nice safe family car, you know normal stuff. Until that day were his parents left to go to work dropping him off at his grandmother's house. She greeted Reo with a warm smile as he ran up to hug her waving bye to his parents as they left for work in the Navy blue family car. He stayed with his grandmother when his mother and father went to work tell they got off and came to pick him up. Well they hadn't picked reo up yet and it was an hour after they were supposed to pick Reo up. There was a knock at the door and his grandmother got up to answer it, it was an officer clad in blue. They spoke quietly, Reo had noticed his grandmother start to cry. He went over to her to find out what was wrong. That's when he found out his parents had been t-boned by a semi going through an intersection and that they died on impact. He has lived with his grandmother ever since. Many years down the line Reo is now in middle School. Still with his grandmother, in there old home. He has just gotten into art as a way to express himself when he meet a girl. Her name is Tatsunoko Tomari. Slowly they became friends, Reo and tatsunoko even lived near each other. He noticed that she seem serious and sad. Reo would continually try to cheer her up with lame jokes and just talking, it didn't seem to work what so ever. But over the course of three years she begun to seem happier. As they both grew Rep began to realize that he slowly had begun falling for Tomari. And then came along the years almost every one hates, Highschool. Reo is an average student, B's mostly, except in art. A's across the board. [color=00aeef]other[/color]: none