Callie or Kali as she preferred to be called was robbed of her humanity when some scumbag mad scientist downloaded her brain into this robot body. Her robot body was supposed to be all the best humanity had to offer removing all the weaknesses. The mad scientist made numerous miscalculations and bad assumptions. Emotions were supposed to be one of the weaknesses that was purged, but when a brain is downloaded into a computer designed to mimic the brain, emotions are transferred as well. With no soul/conscience guiding her thoughts and actions, she didn't really care if humanity survived or not. She did want out of that jail cell & if fighting in some strange dimension's version of the Roman Coliseum got her out of the cell she was going to take it. If it got her free she would sell out the entire human race to the aliens, she would love to own a few as slaves, especially the mad scientist who ruined her life.