Savaris didn't notice Iwakuni sitting behind them until Momoiro brought her up. Thinking back, Savaris did recall being bested by her. He also remembered getting his vengeance. He chuckled as he responded [color=ed1c24]"You bet your ass I did. Last time I took it easy on a girl."[/color] I winked at Iwakuni before slamming his fist into his hand. [color=ed1c24]"Doesn't surprise me one bit that you're graduating here too."[/color] After that, it wasn't long before festivities came underway. The "class rep" as he was referred to took to the podium to speak. Long and boring as expected from such a background individual. I mean most of Savaris' friends were background but at least they were cool. After a moment savaris let out a loud and painfully long yawn. Before standing up and moving as if he were about to walk out in the middle of the speech when an explosion rang. [color=ed1c24]"What-"[/color] In a moments notice, the captain commander and as well as captain Mayuri appeared in center stage. [color=ed1c24]"CAPTAIN COMMANDER!!"[/color] Savaris roared as he disappeared with a silent boom known as flash step. Appearing instantly beside the commander. The trio seemed injured however they seemed to be doing just fine. As expected from captains. Savaris quickly regained his composure hearing the Commanders orders. He went to the attendant and grabbed his papers before moving back to his original spot next to his friends. [center]Prodigy 008 Division 14[/center] Was all he needed to know to figure out what had to be done. Before long other classmates were gathering with similar directions. [color=ed1c24]"Ririsu. You too?"[/color] Soon after Saishu appeared holding up his paper. [color=ed1c24]"Saishu was it?"[/color] His face seemed familiar to Savaris but he couldn't think of where. [color=ed1c24]"It would seem that my hopes....."[/color] Savaris would say dramatically as fake tears ran down his eyes. [color=ed1c24]"Have been tarnished...."[/color] He would sniffle and clear his face mumbling under his breath [b]"I wanted to be in squad 2."[/b] over and over circling into a more and more depressing spiral. He slowly made his way towards the doors heading to his new squad. He was happy that he was finally a member of the court guard squad, however, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. The Shihoin family followed a simple course and had for generations. So now he couldn't help but feel like a failure. What was this division 14 and why was he assigned there. He would surely find out.