Question: So does anyone have any ideas on what they're bankais are going to be? Nobody has to share anything if they don't want to, because we're still awhile away and I don't want people to lose focus on the rp at hand in a desperate sprint to come up with something. I just like character designs and am anxious to know what's going on in people's heads. For my bankai I"m planning for my character to have the ability to use Nano-machines. Basically, when she activates it, her blade or the summon will dissolve so all that's left is a small silver sphere, about the size of a marble. Normally She'll quickly grab the sphere and push it into the ground, but it can be used anywhere. Then she'll have to guard the sphere's area for a small time, because below ground, or wherever it was she placed the sphere, the nano-bots are replicating by transforming whatever substance is around it into more nano-bots. The bots will have a variety of abilities including creating advanced machinery, as well as manipulate their environment, but their greatest strength will be the ability to create better nano-bots the longer the bankai is active.