[@Yamathyst] You enclose an image with IMG tags in order to get it to appear on the forum, but you also need the direct image link, not a link from a Google Images search. The best way to get this is to right click on the image and click 'copy image location'. As for getting it to appear on the forum, you enclose it in image tags, like so: [code][img]URL REPLACES THIS TEXT[/img][/code] There's a formatting cheatsheet at the very bottom of the forum that teaches you more about image tags and the rest of the coding on the site. Finally, this is a roleplay (or rather, interest check) that's been dead for a year, therefore there is no worth in joining it. I'd recommend checking the date of the last post of a thread before posting yourself, or maybe posting a thread in the Introduce Yourself subforum so more experienced users can help show you the ropes. Welcome to RPG and have fun! :sun